Category: MVA


MVA, Rollover, Poss Entrapment, Hansen Ave

Stations 3, 1, and 99 alerted for an MVA near 540 Hansen Ave with rollover and possible entrapment.


MVA w/ Injury, Freedom Road @ Thorn Hill

Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a rear-end collision at the intersection of Freedom Road and Thorn Hill Road.


MVA w/ injury, Bell Drive, Butler City

Stations 1 and 99 alerted for a vehicle accident with injury, vehicle vs pole. Near the Armco Credit Union on Bell Drive.


Pedestrian Struck, Garvin @ Franklin, Cranberry

Station 21 and 51 alerted for a pedestrian struck by a vehicle at the intersection of Garvin Road and Franklin Road. Patient is conscious complaining of an arm injury.


Possible Motorcycle MVA, I-79 @ 105 MM

Stations 33, 24, and 52 alerted for a motorcycle laying on the berm of I-79 with no one around it, on the exit ramp at the 105 mile marker, northbound.


MVA w/ Injury, Near Burger Hut, Butler Twp

Stations 3, 38, and 99 for an 2-vehicle MVA, head-on, with injury, near Burger Hut at the Pointe Plaza in Butler Township.


MVA unknown Injury, I-79 SB

Stations 22 and 62 for an MVA with unknown injuries, I-79 SB.


MVA, North Pike Road near Planet Mart

Stations 15 and 45 alerted for a 2-vehicle MVA near the Planet Mart on North Pike Road, reported with injuries.


MVA, Unknown Injury, Glen Eden Rd

Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a 2-vehicle MVA with unknown injury on Glen Eden Road. Reported 2 vehicles, on the roadway.


Box Truck Rollover, Frazier Road

Stations 15 and 45 alerted for a box truck rollover near 111 Frazier Road in Jefferson Township; reported with injury and wires and pole down.