13:38: Stations 3, 38, and 99 alerted for an MVA on New Castle Road at Butler Crossing; originally reported near Applebee’s, updated location is closer to Chili’s. There is already an EMS unit on scene reporting 2 walking injured. Station 3-2 acknowledges the call.
13:39: 99-2 assigned.
13:40: Engine 38 is en route. Rescue 3 en route. Engine 38 is on scene with 2 vehicles, at least 1 off the road, investigating.
13:41: 99-2 en route. New Castle Road Command is now advising 99-2 there are 2 drivers, no injuries, it will be 2 patient refusals.
13:44: Rescue 3 is approaching, instructed to pull in between Chilis and the entrance to Walmart; traffic is stopped so they can come in via the turn lane.
13:45: A unit is stating they will need fluid cleanup in the parking lot.
14:02: 99-2 is clear of the accident; no patient updates or transports.
14:05: Engine 38 is clearing the scene; Butler Township Station 3 units remain on scene at this time.
14:12: Incident is terminated; all units are back in service.