20:24: Stations 35 and 44 alerted for an MVA reported with fire, Route 38 near the southern end of the Oneida Valley Reservoir. Reported 2 vehicles, 1 on fire, unknown injuries. Station 44 acknowledges the call; Lieutenant 35-2 en route to his station. Captain 35 is en route.
20:25: Chief 35 en route to the scene; Chief 35-3 en route to his station; 44-2 is en route; Chief 35-2 en route to the scene.
20:26: Control is advising Chief 35 that they are still receiving calls on this; additional reports are confirming someone entrapped in the vehicle that is on fire. Chief 35 acknowledges and states he has a 1.5 minute ETA. 44-2 is requesting an aircraft on standby at this time, a truck from Butler Ambulance Station 99, and Station 44 be re-alerted.
20:27: Station 44 re-alerted and Station 99 alerted to assist. Now dispatched with entrapment.
20:28: Chief 35 on scene with 2 cars, middle of the road, upside down.
20:29: 99-2 is en route. Control is advising Stat 3 is on standby, 12 minutes to BMH.
20:31: Command is instructing Station 35 to put the Rescue en route urgently. Chief 35 reports a viable patient but he is entrapped. 44 is asking how many patients; Chief 35 reports 2 patients – 1 with lower extremity injuries and 1 entrapped.
20:32: Chief 35 now correcting there is a 3rd patient; 44-2 is requesting a 3rd EMS unit. 44-1 reports en route. Rescue 35 is en route with 2 firefighters.
20:33: Stations 14 and 8 are requested by Command for Engines. 44-2 is approaching. Chief 35 is stating there is NO ONE IN THE VEHICLE ON FIRE.
20:34: A unit is stating heavy traffic in the area and requesting the responding 99 unit step up their response.
20:35: Captain 8 is en route.
20:36: Rescue 14, Engine 14-2 are en route. Rescue 35 is on scene.
20:37: Command is advising 99-2 they are needed “ASAP.” Station 35 is asking Command if he wants their Engine next.
20:38: 44-1 is now approaching the scene. Command states a trooper is coming through now and the ambulance is to follow him.
20:40: Engine 35 is en route.
20:41: EMS is requesting a helicopter in the air. 44-1 is on scene now.
20:42: Command is relaying a request for 2 helicopters to Pine Tract and 38 for the LZ.
20:43: 99-2 is approaching and Engine 35 is instructed to go around the scene. Any personnel at Station 8 are requested to respond. Engine 14-2 is approaching as well.
20:44: Engine 14-2 is on location at the Pine Tract Road intersection. They are instructed to setup the LZ.
20:46: Command states extrication is still in progress. Engine 35 reports a 5 minute ETA.
20:48: Route 38 is being closed fully at Pine Tract Road. Tanker 8 is reporting on scene.
20:49: Command is requesting a 3rd air medical unit on standby at this time. Stat 3 out of UPMC Cranberry is airborne at this time.
20:51: 44-1 is transporting to the landing zone at Pine Tract. Engine 35 is approaching.
20:52: Command is now advising they want the 3rd helicopter in the air. 44-1 is on scene at the landing zone now.
20:53: Engine 8 is being instructed to block the road completely, no cars are to get by at all. Another Stat helicopter is airborne from UPMC Presbyterian at this time; it is the helicopter from ACMH Kittanning.
20:54: Command requested Station 9 to assist with road closure but canceled the request shortly thereafter.
20:55: Stat 3 is approaching requesting an LZ brief.
20:57: The LZ crew has a visual on the first aircraft. The pilot states they will do an orbit and will be down.
20:59: 99-2 is transporting ALS to the LZ now.
21:00: The first aircraft is reported on the ground by the LZ crew. The Stat helicopter out of Kittanning does not appear to have diverted to this incident at this time; no other air medical units are airborne.
21:01: 99-2 is at the landing zone. Engine 14-2 is checking on which aircraft will be responding; Control advises Stat 3 and 8 and LifeFlight 4 will be the responding units.
21:02: Stat 8 is now airborne from Grove City Airport.
21:03: Life Flight 4 was on the ground in the area of Harrisville Community Park, for training, and is airborne as of now.

21:05: 44-2 is en route to the landing zone.
21:06: The ground crew is requesting an ETA on the helicopters; Control advises they are over Slippery Rock. Stat 8 just passed ARMCO Park; LifeFlight 4 is just to their east.
21:07: 44-2 is out at the LZ.
21:08: Stat 8 is requesting their briefing first.
21:09: LF-4 is now requesting their briefing, reporting 30 seconds out.

21:11: Stat 8 reports they are waiting for LF-4 to land; they will orbit and then approach.
21:14: Both Stat 8 and LifeFlight 4 appear to be on the ground now. There have been no further updates on the scanner.
21:20: Stat 3, the first helicopter, is airborne now.
21:21: 44-2 is en route to BMH with a flight crew reporting traumatic arrest.
21:27: LifeFlight 4 is airborne from the landing zone.
21:28: 44-1 is clear of the scene and out of service for the time being.
21:30: Stat 8 is airborne and Engine 14-2 is advising Control all 3 aircraft are clear of the LZ.
21:34: Stat 8 is at the Butler Memorial Hospital helipad.
21:36: Stat 3 is arriving at the helipad at UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh.
21:42: Rescue 8 is back in service; Fire Police have the road closures handled.
21:43: LifeFlight 4 appears to be arriving on the helipad at UPMC Presbyterian now, as well.
21:55: 99-2 is now reporting back in service.
22:12: 44-2 is now clear of BMH and back in service.
22:13: Fire Police on traffic control are advising Command they have Channel 2 / KDKA news on scene. Command states they can approach to 200 feet from the scene.
22:15: Traffic control units are stating a Butler Eagle reporter is on scene now; Command states he can also approach to 200 feet from the scene.
23:29: Fire Police are advising a wrecker has arrived; Command states they will have to stage at this time.
23:41: A second tow truck is reported on scene.
00:56: Fire Police are stating a semi-truck is staging at the traffic control point; breaking up now and the road will be reopening in 5 minutes, “if that.”
00:59: Chief 35 is reporting the incident is terminated and all units are back in service. Route 38 is reopened at this time.