Motorcycle MVA, Multiple Inj, William Flynn @ Branchton

16:00: Stations 33 and 52 dispatched for a motorcycle-involved MVA in the area of William Flynn Highway at Branchton road; reportedly one male on the ground, not moving. Station 52 acknowledges the call.

Slippery Rock Fire and EMS are dispatched for a motorcycle MVA with 1 male on the ground not moving.

16:01: Station 52 is en route, Control is now advising two patients, both not moving, serious injuries. 52-2 is requesting Station 52 be re-alerted as well as the next available EMS service.

Control is advising two patients are not moving.

16:02: Station 52 is re-alerted for an additional unit; two patients reportedly not moving.

16:03: Station 33 acknowledges the call.

16:04: Engine 33-2 is en route.

16:05: Station 99 is alerted for the call.

16:06: Station 99 acknowledges the call; 99-5 is assigned and en route.

16:07: 52-2 is on scene confirming 2 patients down, CPR has been initiated on one.

Slippery Rock EMS has arrived, confirming 2 patients, and CPR has been started on 1.

16:08: Tower 33, Engine 33-2 are en route.

16:09: Station 34 has been added to the call for traffic control. Control is advising 52-2 that 99-5 will be the additional unit. Engine 33-2 is on scene.

16:11: Command is asking Control to cancel the second ambulance and notify the coroner.

William Flynn Highway Command is canceling the 2nd ambulance and requesting the coroner be notified.

16:12: Control is checking for acknowledgement from Station 34; Captain 34 is en route to his station.

16:13: Tower 33 is on scene.

16:16: Brush 33 is en route.

16:17: Engine and Squad 34 are en route. Command is advising 34 units to shutdown Route 8 southbound at 108.

16:21: Station 34 units are arriving to shut the road down now.

16:22: Engine 34 is reporting on scene.

16:23: 52-2 is transporting to Grove City.

16:25: 52-2 is asking Control to give Grove City advanced notice of possible traumatic arrest, 10 minute ETA.

16:28: Control states Grove City hospital has been notified.

16:29: Control is advising Command that PSP is asking for Fire Police units to Route 8 at Branchton to shut down the 4 way intersection; Command is stating they have requested PennDOT, but Control states the PSP dispatcher just called requesting Fire Police instead. Command states there are no fire police on the scene.

PSP asked for Fire Police units to close the intersection of Branchton Road and Route 8 but there are no FP units on scene.

16:34: 52-2 is arriving at Grove City hospital.

17:30: Command is advising 1 of the 2 units from Station 34 can clear and return once PennDOT arrives to assist with traffic control; PennDOT is reportedly en route.

17:38: Engine 34 is in service, returning to station.

17:44: Sky4 for WTAE appears to have arrived over the scene at this time.

17:51: Sky4 now appears to be leaving the area.

18:30: There have been no other updates from this incident.

18:37: Squad 34 is reporting they are clear of the scene; the road department has the road closed now. Station 33 units are still on scene with police.

19:06: Station 33 units are back in service. There is no indication whether the roadway has reopened at this time.