12:50: Stations 24, 22, and 64 alerted for a motorcycle-involved MVA near the 95 mile marker of I-79 southbound. The male operator is believed to have minor injuries.
12:51: 64-1 en route.
12:53: Control checking for acknowledgment from Stations 24 and 22. Chief 24-3 acknowledged.
12:54: Station 22 second alert followed by acknowledgment.
12:55: 64-1 on location. Rescue 22 en route.
12:56: Rescue 24 en route.
12:57: 64-1 requesting the closest available air evac to Station 24. Control checking if they have a crew for the landing zone. Rescue 24 states they are almost on scene and are going to evaluate whether they can land the helicopter at the scene.
12:58: Station 24 reports 1 man on station; Rescue 24 is requesting the Brush truck for traffic control.
13:00: 64-1 advising Control to notify the air service the patient weighs approximately 380 pounds. Brush 24 en route with 1. Rescue 24 on scene.
13:01: Control states Stat 9 is already airborne with a 16 minute ETA to the scene. Rescue 24 states they’ll land them on the interstate.
13:02: Brush 24 getting on I-79, Command stating I-79 will need shut down.
13:03: Rescue 22 requesting orders; Chief 24-3 reporting traffic is already heavily backlogged and they will need to help shut the interstate down.
13:04: The Stat MedEvac helicopter appears to be coming northwest out of the Oakmont / Fox Chapel area currently. It had departed Allegheny County Airport and was heading northeast toward Monroeville when it diverted for this call.
13:07: Rescue 22 approaching, instructed to assist with the landing zone. Now reporting on scene.
13:08: Command advising Control to notify PSP I-79 is closed.
13:09: The helicopter is crossing the Allegheny-Butler County line just east of Valencia.
13:12: 64-2 is going to help divert traffic off I-79. The helicopter is east of Evans City currently.
13:14: Stat is crossing the corner of Lancaster, Jackson, Connoquenessing and Forward Townships currently, just east of the Seneca Landfill.
13:15: Stat just crossed East Lancaster Road and Yellow Creek Road.
13:16: MedEvac 9 requesting the LZ brief, stating 2 minute ETA.
13:17: The LZ crew reports visual on the aircraft.
13:18: The helicopter is circling.
13:19: The aircraft now appears to be on the ground on I-79.

13:20: Command reporting the helicopter on the ground.
13:35: There have been no other updates from the scene.
13:41: 64-1 reporting clear of the scene; LZ crew reporting Stat in the air to Pittsburgh.
13:43: I-79 Command reporting all units in service and I-79 is reopened.
13:45: 64-2 now also reporting back in service.
13:57: Stat is arriving at the UPMC Presbyterian helipad in Pittsburgh.