Tag: Water Rescue
Vehicle in Water, Occupied, Kiester Road
August 5, 2022 7:08 PM
Stations 33 and 52 along with Water Rescue Team 300 for a vehicle into water, occupant reportedly not injured but water is rising. Kiester Rd at West Lake Lane.
Dirt Bike Accident, with Injury
July 22, 2022 3:26 PM
Stations 20, 22, and 62 alerted for a dirt bike accident approximately 500 yards into the woods off Old Route 68 near the creek by the railroad tracks.
Water Rescue, Lakeview Beach
July 1, 2022 4:38 PM
Stations 24, 300, and 64 alerted for 2 people who were underwater at one point; one is now out of the water the other is still in the water.
Male trapped, 348 Church Road, Clay Twp
June 21, 2022 4:33 PM
Water Rescue Team 300 alerted for a male stuck in an overflow pipe in a pond about 15 feet in, 4-5 feet deep, the head is above water and patient is currently stable.
Water Rescue, near Porters Cove, Moraine State Park
June 15, 2022 3:20 PM
Report of a male at Moraine State Park, near the Porters Cove area who was in the water; his paddle board was located without him.