Tag: Water Rescue


Vehicle in Water, Occupied, Kiester Road

Stations 33 and 52 along with Water Rescue Team 300 for a vehicle into water, occupant reportedly not injured but water is rising. Kiester Rd at West Lake Lane.


Dirt Bike Accident, with Injury

Stations 20, 22, and 62 alerted for a dirt bike accident approximately 500 yards into the woods off Old Route 68 near the creek by the railroad tracks.


Water Rescue, Lakeview Beach

Stations 24, 300, and 64 alerted for 2 people who were underwater at one point; one is now out of the water the other is still in the water.


Male trapped, 348 Church Road, Clay Twp

Water Rescue Team 300 alerted for a male stuck in an overflow pipe in a pond about 15 feet in, 4-5 feet deep, the head is above water and patient is currently stable.


Water Rescue, near Porters Cove, Moraine State Park

Report of a male at Moraine State Park, near the Porters Cove area who was in the water; his paddle board was located without him.


Vehicle into the Oneida Valley Resovoir

No body found.