Tag: I-79


MVA, I-79 in the median

Stations 22 and 62 alerted for a vehicle into the median of I-79 near the 89.6 mile marker.


MVA, Unknown Injury, I-79 @ 86.4 MM

Stations 22 and 62 alerted for an MVA on I-79 near the 86.4 mile marker, in the median. Control states multiple 9-1-1 calls.


Jeep Rolled Over Multiple Times, I-79NB @ 91.6 MM

Stations 22, 24, and 62 alerted for reports of a Jeep that rolled over multiple times.


I-79SB MVA, Rollover, 79.6 MM

Stations 21, 22, and 51 alerted for an MVA on I-79 southbound near the 79.2 MM. Reported 2 vehicles, with rollover, back on all fours.


Brush Fire on I-79N @ 99 MM

Stations 33 and 52 alerted for a brush fire on I-79 near the 99.4 or 99.6MM in Worth Township. Multiple calls.


MVA, Unknown Injuries, I-79 SB @ 90.6 MM

Stations 22, 24, and 62 alerted for an MVA with unknown injuries on I-79 southbound near the 90.6 mile marker.


MVA w/ Rollover, I-79 SB @ 80 MM

Stations 21, 22, 42, and 51 alerted for a single vehicle rollover with unknown injuries near the 80 mile marker of I-79 southbound.


Car into Embankment, I-79 SB

Stations 22, 24, and 62 alerted for an MVA with unknown injuries near the 92 mile marker of I-79 southbound, car into embankment.


MVA w/ Injury, Route 68 at I-79N Off-Ramp

Stations 22 and 62 alerted for an MVA on Evans City Road in Jackson Township at the northbound exit ramp of I-79.


MVA, Unknown Injury, I-79 SB @ 100.6 MM

Stations 33, 24, and 52 alerted for an MVA with unknown injuries at the 100.6 mile marker of I-79 southbound.