Tag: Cranberry Township
Truck on Fire, Route 19 @ Route 228
Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a truck on fire at the intersection of Routes 19 and 228.
MVA, I-79 @ 79.1 MM SB near Cranberry Exit
Stations 21 and 51 alerted for an MVA on I-79 Southbound about a mile before the Cranberry exit, 1 vehicle into the median with airbag deployment.
Multi-vehicle MVA, Route 19 @ Rowan Road
Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a multiple-vehicle MVA with unknown injuries.
MVA, 3159 Unionville Road, Cranberry Twp
Stations 21 and 51 alerted for an MVA near Matthews Parking Systems. One female occupant was passed out, now conscious.
Vehicle Fire, I-79 Southbound near Cranberry Exit
Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a vehicle on fire just before the Cranberry Township exit of I-79 southbound.
Motorcycle MVA, Rt 19 @ Glen Eden
Stations 21 and 51 alerted for an MVA with rider down.
Structure Fire, 828 Deep Lake Drive
Stations 90, 21, Beaver 26, 185, and 228 alerted for an electrical fire. Reported smoke from electrical box outside on an attached garage.
Possible Structure Fire, Juniper Grill
Stations 21, 90, and 51 alerted for smoke coming from the baseboards at Juniper Grill, 2030 Mackenzie Way, Cranberry Twp. Evacuation in progress as of dispatch.
MVA, 8001 Rowan Road near Fireworks Tent
Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a 2 vehicle MVA. At least 1 patient requesting EMS evaluation.
MVA w/ Rollover, Route 19 @ Hartners Drive
Stations 21 and 51 alerted for an MVA originally unknown injuries, now believed to be with injuries. Two vehicles, one rolled over.