Tag: Cranberry Township


MVA, Unknown Injury, Glen Eden Rd

Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a 2-vehicle MVA with unknown injury on Glen Eden Road. Reported 2 vehicles, on the roadway.


Tractor Trailer Fire, I-79 NB near Weigh Station

Stations 21, 22, 42 and 51 alerted for a vehicle fire on I-79 @ 79 MM northbound near the weigh station. Passerby reporting the cab of a tractor trailer smoking.


House Struck By Lightning, Spruce Ln.

Report of house struck by lightning at 305 Spruce Lane.


House Struck By Lightning, Off Fairview Dr.

Full structure fire response activated for report of a house struck by lightning near the intersection of Fairview Drive and Red Hawk Drive.


MVA w/ Injury near 20317 Rt 19, Cranberry Twp

Stations 21 and 51 alerted for an MVA, originally an automatic crash detection, now a caller from the scene is reporting a female with minor injuries.


I-79SB MVA, Rollover, 79.6 MM

Stations 21, 22, and 51 alerted for an MVA on I-79 southbound near the 79.2 MM. Reported 2 vehicles, with rollover, back on all fours.


Motorcycle MVA, Rt 19 NB, south of Rochester Rd

Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a motorcycle wreck involving a motorcyclist into the side of a vehicle, laying on the ground.


MVA, Unknown Injuries, 228 near Firebird’s

Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a vehicle accident in front of Firebird’s on 228.


MVA w/ Rollover, I-79 SB @ 80 MM

Stations 21, 22, 42, and 51 alerted for a single vehicle rollover with unknown injuries near the 80 mile marker of I-79 southbound.


Odor of Gas in a Residence, Redwood Ct

Station 21 alerted for odor of gas in a residence at 607 Redwood Court in Cranberry Township.