Tag: Audio Clips


MVA, Rollover, 4 injuries, I-79 @ 78 MM

Stations 21, Allegheny 185, 42, and 51 alerted for an MVA with rollover in the median at the 78 mile marker of I-79 in Cranberry Township, possibly 4 injuries.


MVA, I-79 @ 422

Stations 24 and 64 alerted for a pickup vs tractor trailer, unknown injuries.


Multi-vehicle MVA, I-79 SB @ 79.4 MM

Stations 21, 22, and 51 alerted for a multiple-vehicle MVA with injury at the 79.4 mile marker of I-79 southbound, near the Rowan Road bridge.


Motorcylce MVA, 422, Butler Twp

Stations 3, 1, 38 and 99 alerted for a motorcycle accident on 422 eastbound at the Route 8 South exit ramp.


MVA w/ Rollover, I-79 SB @ 80.4 MM

Stations 21, 22, 42, and 51 alerted for an MVA with 1 vehicle rolled over, I-79 @ 80.4 MM southbound.


Person Unconscious in a vehicle, Silverville Rd @ South Pike Rd

Control notifying Freeport 70-3 police are on scene with a person unconscious in a vehicle at the intersection of Silverville Road and South Pike Road.


Truck on Fire, Route 19 @ Route 228

Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a truck on fire at the intersection of Routes 19 and 228.


MVA, Pittsburgh Road @ Dodds Road

Stations 11 and 99 alerted for a 2-vehicle MVA, Pittsburgh Road @ Dodds Road.


Multi-Motorcycle Crash, near Fairground Market

Stations 13 and 99 alerted. Multiple motorcycle-MVA near Fairground Market, 1138 New Castle Road. Four motorcycles involved. Unknown injuries.


Motorcycle MVA, 1400-block of Pittsburgh Road

Stations 16, 42, and 76 alerted for a motorcycle vs truck. PD reporting male bleeding from the head.