Tag: Audio Clips


MVA w/ Injury, Muddy Creek @ Staff Road

Multiple stations alerted for an MVA about 5 houses south of the intersectin of Muddy Creek Drive @ Staff Road. One vehicle, 1 male injured.


Smell of Smoke in Residence, Boyers Road

Stations 34, 33, 31, 95, and Superior EMS alerted for a smell of smoke in a residence, 228 Boyers Road. No flames visible.


MVA w/ Entrapment, Kittanning Pike

MVA w/ in jury, Kittanning Pike on Bear Creek turn, one vehicle overturned with entrapment, patient unconscious with head injury.


I-79SB MVA, Rollover, 79.6 MM

Stations 21, 22, and 51 alerted for an MVA on I-79 southbound near the 79.2 MM. Reported 2 vehicles, with rollover, back on all fours.


Vehicle in Water, Occupied, Kiester Road

Stations 33 and 52 along with Water Rescue Team 300 for a vehicle into water, occupant reportedly not injured but water is rising. Kiester Rd at West Lake Lane.


17 Y/O Unconscious, Butler City

Stations 1 and 99 alerted for a Delta response, a 17 year old patient is unconscious, but is breathing.


MVA w/ Injury, near 496 Pittsburgh Rd

Stations 11, 16, and 99 alerted for an MVA on Pittsburgh Road, Penn Township. Near Classic Ink. Reported 1 female not alert, 1 vehicle over an embankment.


PetCo Employees Exposed to Pufferfish

Station 99 alerted for 2 employees at the PetCo, Butler Crossing, exposed to pufferfish. One having difficulty swallowing as of dispatch.


Tractor Rollover, Male Pinned, Love Rd

Stations 16, 15, 241, and 76 alerted for a tractor rolled over with a male pinned under it.


Female Jumped Out of Car

Station 52 alerted, updated address is 457 Muddy Creek Drive, 29 year old female jumped out of a moving vehicle, bleeding from the head.