Generic firetruck illustration.

Structure Fire, N. Washington St, Eau Claire

Structure fire response to N Washington St, Eau Claire Boro. Shed close to the house.

Generic multi-car crash/MVA illustration.

MVA: Rt 228 @ Rt 19

Stations 21 and 51 alerted for their 2nd MVA at the intersection of Rt 228 and 19.

Generic multi-car crash/MVA illustration.

MVA, Dutilh Rd

Stations 21 and 51 to 1202 Dutilh Rd for an MVA. Originally no injuries, additional caller reports it is a domestic with an injured female.

Generic multi-car crash/MVA illustration.

MVA, New Castle Road

Fire and EMS dispatched to New Castle Rd between the VA and N Duffy Rd for passerby report of 2 vehicles on the side of the roadway.

Generic firetruck illustration.

MVA, Possible Water Rescue, Reiber Rd

Multiple stations dispatched for an MVA, Reiber Rd @ Constitution Ave. Caller reports his vehicle is over top of water.

Generic firetruck illustration.

Trailer Full of Smoke, Island Drive

Fire and EMS dispatched to Island Dr, Penn Twp, for a trailer full of smoke.

Generic firetruck illustration.

Structure Fire, N. Washington St

Structure fire response to N Washington St, Butler City; a water main break is leaking onto an electric panel.

Generic firetruck illustration.

Structure Fire, Residence Inn

Units on scene are stating hotel staff are reporting smoke in the building.

Generic firetruck illustration.

Garage Fire, Conrad Lane

Structure fire response dispatched to 150 Conrad Lane for a detached garage fire.

Generic single vehicle crash/MVA illustration.

MVA, S. Main St @ Pittsburgh Rd

Fire and EMS alerted for passerby report of a vehicle into guardrail, S Main St @ Pittsburgh Rd, Butler City.