Generic firetruck illustration.

Fire: Overlook Drive, Slippery Rock Twp

Possible structure fire; a caller from 115 Overlook Dr, Slippery Rock Twp, sees flames from the roof of a neighboring house.

Generic firetruck illustration.

Female on Ice: Halstead Blvd

Multiple stations dispatched to 50 Halstead Blvd, Zelie Boro, for a female on ice on Conno. creek.

Generic illustration of a rescue boat.

Male Stuck in Swamp: Beaver Dam Rd

Fire, EMS, and Water Rescue dispatched to Beaver Dam Rd, Clay Twp, for a male stuck knee deep in the swamp.

Generic single vehicle crash/MVA with rollover illustration.

Pickup vs Porch: Butler Rd @ Schaffner Rd

Fire and EMS dispatched to Butler Rd @ Schaffner Rd in Butler Twp for a pickup into a porch with entrapment.

Generic tractor trailer crash/MVA illustration.

Truck into Embankment, Rt 38

Emlenton Fire and EMS dispatched for a truck into an embankment on Oneida Valley Road in Allegheny Township.

Generic medical helicopter illustration.

Male w/ Accidental GSW, Lawrence Co

UTV-13 requested into Lawrence Co, Gerber Rd, Plain Grove Twp; 18 y/o male, accidental GSW to the leg.

Generic pedestrian crash illustration.

Pedestrian Struck: Morton Avenue

Stations 1 and 99 dispatched for a pedestrian MVA w/ injury on Morton Ave.

Generic firetruck illustration.

Fire: Lowrie Place, Butler Twp

Fire and EMS dispatched for smoke and fire from the laundry room at Lowrie Place, 100 Stirling Village.

Generic single vehicle crash/MVA with rollover illustration.

MVA, Rollover, Entrapment: Boyers Rd @ Rihel

Fire and EMS dispatched for an MVA w/ rollover, entrapment, Boyers Road @ Rihel Rd, Marion Twp.

Generic firetruck illustration.

Poss Fire, NexTier Bank, E. Diamond St

Poss Structure Fire, NexTier Bank, E. Diamond St. Smoke in the building secondary to a power outage.