Category: MVA


I-79SB MVA, Rollover, 79.6 MM

Stations 21, 22, and 51 alerted for an MVA on I-79 southbound near the 79.2 MM. Reported 2 vehicles, with rollover, back on all fours.


Vehicle in Water, Occupied, Kiester Road

Stations 33 and 52 along with Water Rescue Team 300 for a vehicle into water, occupant reportedly not injured but water is rising. Kiester Rd at West Lake Lane.


MVA, Saint Joe @ Game Reserve Rd

Stations 26 and 56 alerted for an MVA with minor injury near the intersection of Saint Joe and Game Reserve Road in Donegal Township.


Car into Tree, Rockdale Rd, Penn Township

Stations 11 and 99 alerted for a car vs tree, with injury, near 732 Rockdale Road.


City Rescue, Butler Ambulance to 129 Teakwood Rd

Stations 1, 3, and 99 alerted for a side-by-side rollover involving 2 adults and 3 kids.


MVA, Multiple Vehicles, N. Pike @ Marwood Rd

Stations 15 and 45 alerted. 45-2 first arriving unit reporting 4 vehicles on the roadway.


MVA, Unknown Injuries, W. Mercer, Harrisville

Harrisville Fire and Superior Ambulance alerted for an MVA on W. Mercer St. Harrisville.


MVA, with injury, Chicora Rd

Dispatched. 2 vehicles. 1 female with chest injury.


Automatic Crash Notification, Mahood Road

Stations 25, 14, and 99 alerted for an automatic crash notification on Mahood Road in Clay Township. Control states there was no answer on the other end of the line.


MVA w/ Injury, near 496 Pittsburgh Rd

Stations 11, 16, and 99 alerted for an MVA on Pittsburgh Road, Penn Township. Near Classic Ink. Reported 1 female not alert, 1 vehicle over an embankment.