Category: MVA

Generic medical helicopter illustration.

MVA with Entrapment, Possible DOA

Fire and EMS dispatched for an MVA, Rt 38 @ Rider Rd. Two vehicles head-on, 1 female entrapped with blood spurting from the leg.

Generic firetruck illustration.

School Bus vs Tree with Entrapment

Multiple stations dispatched to 1619 Three Degree Rd, Adams Twp. School bus vs tree; the driver is not alert, bleeding.

Generic car crash/MVA involving a building illustration.

Pickup Through House: Callery Boro

Multiple stations dispatched to Mars-Evans City Rd, Callery Boro for a pickup through a house. House is filling with smoke; no injuries reported, but the driver “probably took off.”

Generic multi-car crash/MVA illustration.

Rollover with Entrapment: Pittsburgh Rd, Penn Twp

Stations 11 and 99 dispatched to the 400-block of Pittsburgh Rd, Penn Twp, for a 2-vehicle MVA with rollover.

Generic illustration of a rescue boat.

Pickup Rollover, In Water: Conno Twp

Stations 12 and 99, with Water Rescue Team 300, dispatched for a pickup rollover, Powder Mill Rd near Rutledge Ln, Conno. Twp; it is in water up to its windows.

Generic single vehicle crash/MVA with rollover illustration.

Rollover MVA: Route 8 @ Euclid Rd, Clay Twp

Stations 25, 14, and 99 dispatched to Rt 8 @ Euclid Rd, Clay Twp, for an MVA with rollover and unknown injuries.

Generic multi-car crash/MVA illustration.

MVA: S Pike Rd @ Capitol Park Dr

Stations 27, 36, and 70 dispatched for an MVA on S Pike Rd @ Capitol Park Dr, Buffalo Twp. One vehicle off the road.

Generic single vehicle crash/MVA with rollover illustration.

Vehicle Rollover with Entrapment: E Lancaster Road

Stations 22, 24, and 62 dispatched for a vehicle overturned in a parking lot with an occupant still inside, 217 E Lancaster Rd, Lancaster Twp.

Generic multi-car crash/MVA illustration.

Multiple Vehicle Crash: Rt 228

Stations 42, 19, and 76 dispatched to Rt 228 near the Sheetz. Four to five vehicles involved, with injury.

Generic single vehicle crash/MVA illustration.

Car vs Deer, Possible Fire: I-79 Southbound, Cranberry

Multiple Stations dispatched to the 81.2 MM, I-79 SB for a car vs deer, no injuries. The front end of the car is smoking.