Working Fire near Regional Learning Alliance

21:14: Chief 21 is calling Control to ask if Station 21 has been alerted yet for a call into Allegheny County; Controls states negative. Chief 21 states they will be requested to 850 Cranberry Woods Drive, the Regional Learning Alliance. Control is asking if they need toned and Chief 21 states affirmative.

21:15: Station 21 is activated to assist in Marshall Township for a possible structure fire.

21:17: Chief 21 is now stating he is in the area with “heavy smoke, very heavy smoke in the area with an orange sky.” Engine 21 is en route.

Chief 21 in the area with heavy smoke and orange sky.

21:19: Chief 21 is advising he is on scene now with a working fire, but there is a contractor there claiming to have a permit to burn a building down.

Chief 21 advising of a working fire and a contractor claiming to have a permit to burn a building down.

21:20: Tower 21 is reporting in the area; Engine 21-2 is en route.

21:21: Tower 21 is stating they have to go past the complex to access this; they are asking if they are to enter, being a non-water unit, Chief 21 is stating per 185 Chief, do not enter, they want Engines only, no Towers. Tower 21 states they will standby in the parking lot. Engine 21 states they are following Engine 185 in.

Command wants Engines only into the scene; no Tower units at this time.

21:22: Big Knob FD 2612 is asking Chief 21 if they are to roll from their station, Chief 21 replies negative, they will be covering both their area and Station 21’s area.

Big Knob FD will be covering their area as well as Cranberry Township.

21:24: Chief 21 is relaying to Butler Control a request from Chief 185 for another Engine from Station 21. Engine 21-2 is now en route.

21:25: Tower 21 states they will return to station per Command instruction to cover their area.

21:27: Back-to-back requests to the Engine 21 operator for more pressure on the hand line.

21:30: Fire Police units are stating they will be running one-way traffic; FP-21-3 is on scene requesting instruction from FP-21 Captain; the Captain replies to standby, they are not on scene yet.

21:31: Additional Fire Police units are possibly being told they will not be needed at the scene.

21:33: FP-21-3 is returning to station; units on scene state they will be okay with an additional unit from Marshall Township.

21:59: Fire Police are reporting PD are leaving soon and they should be able to clear soon as well.

22:23: A Fire Police unit is stating the flares are burning out again; they are being told again they should be able to clear soon.

22:30: All Station 21 units are back in service.