2-Cars vs Pedestrian with Rollover, Entrapment

23:31: Stations 25, 14, and 99 alerted for a pedestrian accident near 1146 West Sunbury Road in Clay Township (audio seems to indicate “116 West Sunbury Road” which would be in Center Township). 21 year old male struck by a vehicle.

Multiple stations alerted for a pedestrian struck by a vehicle.

23:32: Station 99 acknowledging; 99-3 is assigned. Control now states the pedestrian reportedly has an arm injury and there is no word on the driver of the vehicle; the vehicle is now reported overturned.

The pedestrain is reported to have an arm injury and the vehicle is reported to be overturned.

23:33: Lieutenant 25-2 en route to his station. Chief 25-2 en route. 99-3 is en route and requesting Control check the availability of a helicopter.

23:34: Control now advising units another report states there is a 2nd vehicle in a ditch, with an entrapped patient unconscious. Station 99 is requesting an additional unit from Slippery Rock EMS. Engine 33-2 is notifying Station 25 they are staffed if they are requested.

Another update advising there is a second vehicle involved and there is an unconscious patient entrapped.

23:35: Station 52 alerted for the call. 52-2 and 52-3 are responding.

23:36: Control advising responding units LifeFlight 4 is standing by with a 10 minute ETA. 99-21 states they are also en route now.

23:37: Station 33 units are requesting Station 34 move to Station 33. Station 34 alerted. Chief 25 en route.

23:38: Control checking for acknowledgment from Station 14; Chief 14 states he is en route to his station.

23:39: Rescue 25 on scene. Control states the aircraft was given the scene location for a landing zone.

23:40: Lieutenant 25-2 states he has Command on scene.

23:43: Engine 14 en route.

23:44: 99-3 is on scene.

23:47: Rescue 14 on scene. Engine 33-2 requested orders as well, unclear if they have arrived.

23:48: 99-21 states Control can cancel any responding units from Station 52. Chief 25 advises Lieutenant 25 that if they need an LZ, he recommends behind the fire hall due to slope of the road near the scene.

Discussion of using the fire hall for a landing zone.

23:51: Engine 14 requested orders; they are instructed to shutdown 308 at Mahood Road.

23:52: 99-3 is requesting LifeFlight be launched to the field at the scene. Control wants them to check with Command on the LZ; either 99-3 or Command states they can’t get to the fire hall and will use the field.

Air medical is requested in the air, directly to the scene.

23:53: Control is advising LifeFlight 4 was given the scene of the incident for the landing zone and they have an 8 minute ETA. LF-4 is airborne from the Butler Airport.

LifeFlight 4 gave an 8 minute ETA.

23:54: Engine 25 is en route to shut down 308 at Euclid Road now.

23:59: LifeFlight 4 requesting the landing zone briefing from the ground crew, reporting 1 minute out now.

Station 25 ground units providing LifeFlight 4 with the landing zone briefing.

00:04: Ground crew reports the aircraft is on the ground.

00:21: Engine 33-2 reporting all Station 33 units are clear of this incident.

00:25: 99-3 reports patient care has been transferred to LifeFlight with a destination of AGH.

00:28: LF-4 is airborne from the landing zone, en route to Pittsburgh.

00:46: LifeFlight appears to be on the helipad at Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh.

00:51: 99-3 reporting back in service.

00:58: Engine 14 advising West Sunbury Road Command the tow trucks are passing their traffic control point now.

01:47: Station 25 checking with Command if any additional resources are needed; Command states negative, they can remain on station.

02:05: Lieutenant 25 is requested by Lieutenant 25-2 to respond with the utility truck to Mahood and 308 to relieve the traffic control unit there.

02:19: Utility 25 is at Mahood and 308.

02:24: All Station 14 units are clear of the incident.

03:05: Utility 25 advising West Sunbury Road Command the second tow truck is passing traffic control now.

03:17: Lieutenant 25-2 advising all 25 units are back in service and the road is reopened.

Incident terminated nearly four hours after dispatch.