Countywide Storm Updates

Butler Township

17:26: Station 3 alerted for tree and wire down on Meridian Road between Powder Mill and McCalmont Roads.

17:29: Second alert for Station 3. Lines are now reportedly arcing.

17:43: Rescue 3 on scene.

17:45: Rescue 3 reporting a pole number to Control and stating the lines are down, off the roadway, they’re unsure if the wires are live, the tree is on the wires, but the road is passable.

17:46: Rescue 3 clear of the first tree now investigating another report of tree down from a passerby. Control states PD has been advised of this one; it is reportedly on Meridian Road coming down the hill into Renfrew.

17:50: Rescue 3 reporting they have checked Meridian Road to Renfrew Main Street, nothing found, back in service.

18:26: Station 3 dispatched again for tree down with wires; Meridian Road between Powder Mill and McCalmont. Control states this is the same tree as before and the power company has already been re-alerted as well.

18:34: Engine 3 is back on scene, Meridian Road.

18:35: Meridian Road Command confirming this is the same tree as last time and there has been no change; so long as the power company is aware there is no need to dispatch Station 3 for this tree again.

Evans City / Forward Township

17:30: Station 20 dispatched to Beacon Rd, about a quarter mile off Brownsdale, tree down with wires; also a tree down on Brownsdale near the large tan garage.

17:57: Station 20 units were out with the tree on Brownsdale first and another caller has now reported the tree on Beacon Road is on fire.

18:09: Chief 20 reporting at 349 Beacon Road they do have a tree down with a wire, off the road, no active fire.

18:14: Rescue 20 clear of the Beacon Road incident.

18:19: Rescue 20 is asking Control to advise PennDOT that near 270 Beacon Road, the shoulder is washed away, a “large part of roadway.”

18:23: Rescue 20 now asking Control to notify PennDOT of the same issue at the intersection of Spithaler School and Brownsdale. Control states Beacon Road is township responsibility; they will check on the other intersection.

20:15: Flooded basement, South Washington Street.

20:54: 300-block Reibold Road, tree down.

Penn Township

17:48: Station 11 dispatched for a flooded basement from a broken water line, 109 Crowe Road, Penn Township. Rescue 11 is clear of the Rockdale Road MVA, en route to this incident.

18:03: Station 11’s second call; large tree blocking the railroad tracks, Meridian Road, west side of the Renfrew crossing.

18:07: Engine 11 notified the railroad was advised and they will have a crew en route as well.

18:13: Engine 11 reporting there is nothing they can do on the railroad tracks; requesting Control also notify PennDOT this occurred in the section of Meridian Road previously closed due to road collapse. The tree came down approximately 100 yards back in. Fire units are in service.

Adams Area

18:54: Engine 42 requesting Control start an incident for an address on Myoma Road, the driveway is flooding out; the engine is responding. Control states PD is en route also.

19:08: Station 42 units reporting clear.

Slippery Rock Township

18:55: Engine 33-2 responding to another incident requesting Control contact Slippery Rock University Police Department and have them shut down Kiester Road due to a pond overflowing and the roadway flooded.

19:04: Control advising Engine 33-2 of a report from 204 E Water Street, Graystone Manor, for the building flooding.

19:21: Station 33 advised of report of heavy flooding at 250 E Water Street; eight apartments reported under water.

19:22: Station 33 requesting Station 13 respond to Station 33 for assistance.

19:30: Units responding to the water rescue are reporting Harmony Road is blocked by floodwaters at this time also.

Cranberry Township

18:57: Station 21 alerted for a flooded basement at 144 Fox Run Road, Cranberry Township.

19:33: Station 21 units clear.

Marion Township

19:29: Commander 31 requested the station be activated for an unspecified service call.

19:50: 131 Clay St, flooded basement, water almost to the furnace.

20:19: 142 Clay St, flooded basement.