MVA w/ Injury, near 496 Pittsburgh Rd

08:13: Stations 11, 16, and 99 alerted for an MVA, originally with unknown injuries, in the area of 496 Pittsburgh Road in Penn Township. Near Classic Ink. Now reported 1 female not alert, 1 vehicle over an embankment. 99-4 assigned.

Multiple stations alerted for a vehicle accident with injuries on Pittsburgh Road in Penn Township.

08:14: 99-4 en route.

08:15: Chief 11 en route. Chief 16 en route to his station. Station 16 acknowledging.

08:21: Control advising Chief 11 police are on scene stating there is diesel fuel leaking from one vehicle. Rescues 11 and 16 en route.

08:23: Rescue 11 on location.

08:24: 99-4 on scene.

08:26: Rescue 16 on scene. Utility 16 on scene.

08:40: There have been no updates from this incident.

08:48: 99-4 is transporting 1 patient, BLS, to Butler Hospital.

08:58: Command terminated, all units back in service.