Female Jumped Out of Car

20:16: Station 99 alerted for a Delta response to 488 Muddy Creek Drive; 29 year old female jumped out of a car, unknown extent of injuries; they are unable to handle the call.

20:17: Station 52 alerted, updated address is 457 Muddy Creek Drive (originally dispatched as 488), 29 year old female jumped out of a moving vehicle, bleeding from the head. Station 52 acknowledges the call.

20:19: Utility 14 confirming the address, Control restated 457, Utility 14 will be responding to assist EMS. Control now stating the female was under the influence of drugs prior to this happening; she is reportedly awake and breathing at this time, altered level of consciousness.

20:20: PSP was notified per Control.

20:23: Utility 14 on location, Chief 14-2 has Command, investigating.

20:24: Chief 14-2 requesting the nearest available helicopter on standby, landing zone at the scene.

20:25: Chief 14-2 advising 52-2 patient has reasonably heavy bleeding from the head and is altered level of consciousness; there is an EMT treating her now. 52-2 is turning onto Muddy Creek Drive now.

20:26: Chief 14-2 asking to make sure PSP is responding; Control states they should be on their way.

20:28: Control states Stat 8 is on standby with an 8 minute ETA. 52-2 on scene.

20:30: Engine 14-2 responding.

20:31: Chief 14-2 telling Control to have PSP expedite; Control asking for an update and the Chief states “a lot of combative people here.”

Chief 14-2 requesting state police expedite their response.

20:32: Chief 14-2 reporting physical and verbal altercations at this time. Control states PSP has been given the update.

Command now advising there are physical and verbal altercations taking place at this time.

20:33: Engine 14-2 asking if this is at the intersection of Muddy Creek Drive and West Lane; Command states they are north of that.

20:35: Chief 14-2 canceling the helicopter.

20:39: 52-2 is transporting ALS to Butler Memorial Hospital.