MVA, Pittsburgh Road @ Evans Road

17:43: Stations 16, Allegheny 241, and 76 alerted for an MVA with injury in Middlesex Township. Reported car vs work van with a female patient not alert. 76-1 is diverting from another call, en route, and requesting Medic 955 be added to the call.

17:46: PD on scene advising the female has a laceration with uncontrolled bleeding.

17:47: Station 16 acknowledging the call.

17:50: Rescue 16 en route.

17:52: Rescue 16 on location with Pittsburgh Road Command. Allegheny Richland 241 is also attempting to contact Command or Control but they are unreadable to all units.

17:54: Command notifying responding EMS units there is a nurse on scene who has bleeding controlled; the patient has head and eye lacerations, no fractures, and she is in-and-out of consciousness. 76-1 reporting on scene.

17:56: Richland Rescue 241 en route.

17:58: Medic 955 on scene.

17:59: Command attempting to reach 241 units but not getting a response.

18:00: Command calling 241 again, telling them to assist with traffic.

18:01: Richland 241 units arriving.

18:11: 76-1 transporting to Allegheny General with Medic 955 onboard.

18:18: Pittsburgh Road Command terminated, all units returning in service.