Unionville FD to assist PSP with Search

20:27: Station 14 alerted to assist Pennsylvania State Police with a search at 281 Staff Road in Brady Township. ATVs/UTVs are requested. No other details at dispatch.

Unionville Station 14 alerted to assist PSP with a search; no other details at dispatch.

20:29: Captain 14 acknowledging the call, requesting Station 13 be added to the call for their ATV also.

20:30: Prospect Station 13 alerted. This will be a search for an autistic male in his 20s at the Moraine Camplands. Station 13 line officers acknowledging the call.

Station 13 added to the call by request of Captain 14.

20:37: Brush 13 and UTV 13 en route, requesting their station re-tripped for more manpower.

20:40: Captain 14 reporting on scene.

20:42: Utility 14 en route.

20:44: Captain 14 requesting West Sunbury Station 25 for manpower, and Stations 10 (Herman) and 35 (Oneida Valley) for UTVs.

20:46: Abovementioned stations alerted.

20:48: There was apparently an accidental alert pushed via the Active 9-1-1 system that gave the wrong address. Station 25 units requesting clarification from Control.

Control giving clarification on the address due to a mistaken alert that was apparently sent out.

20:50: Utility 25 en route.

20:51: A UTV unit is en route, unclear if 25 or 35.

20:52: Captain 14 asking Control if they have any contacts for “search dogs” per PSP request. Control asking exactly who they’re requesting, Captain 14 states any contact for search and rescue dogs.

Captain 14 requesting Control dispatch search and rescue dogs.

20:54: Squad and UTV 10 en route. Captain 14 asking Control to check with the County to see if they can respond to the scene with a drone.

Captain 14 asking Control to try to get a drone to the scene.

20:57: Rescue 35 en route. Control telling Captain 14 to call into Control and that Allegheny County Mountain Rescue has been notified via Allegheny County.

21:02: Utility 25 on scene, apparently proceeding to a shooting range on Staff Road. (This would be the Moraine Sportsmen’s Club.)

21:03: An individual from a drone company is to be calling Captain 14. Control also states 2 S&R dog teams have been notified.

21:04: Searches are being started from multiple points on Moraine Camplands as well as the shooting range on Staff Road.

21:14: Squad 10 and Station 35 units on scene.

21:31: Captain 14 asking Control to have Lawrence County’s search team activated as well.

21:33: Station 25 has 1 man on station requesting instructions, Captain 25 states he can proceed in by personally owned vehicle, make sure to bring brush gear.

21:39: Control telling Captain 14 Allegheny County Mountain Rescue is en route, 10 people and dogs, no ETA provided (coming from Allegheny County).

21:53: Control checking with Captain 14 whether an EMS unit is needed as none have been added to this call yet. A 99 unit is requested.

21:54: Butler Ambulance alerted.

22:02: 52-2 is en route as 99 was unable to cover the call.

22:12: 52-2 on location.

22:23: Brush 25 reporting to Captain 14 they’ve cleared out to Muddy Creek Drive, Burton Road is clear, W. Liberty is clear; the Captain is instructing them to start proceeding down 528.

22:25: Units are also searching the area of the trailer court off Hall Road. Search area continues to expand.

22:50: A PSP helicopter out of the Indiana County Airport just crossed the Butler – Armstrong county line west of Worthington, en route to this search.

22:54: Some time ago, possibly 2 hours ago, a citizen reported a male matching the subject’s description walking near the intersection of Claytonia and Hall Roads.

22:55: The PSP helicopter just crossed Route 38 near the south end of the Oneida Valley Reservoir.

23:00: The helicopter is passing over Moraine Camplands and starting to circle.

23:07: Captain 14 telling all units the last possible sighting of the subject was at Hall Road and Claytonia and he was heading east, toward West Sunbury Borough. Captain 14 instructing units to shift focus in that direction and to check near the railroad tracks.

23:09: Passerby told one of the units they may have seen the subject walking on Euclid Road toward Dingel Road around 21:30.

23:14: Captain 14 instructing units to shift focus toward Mahood, Jamisonville, and Thompsontown Roads. The PSP helicopter appears to be heading that direction, as well.

PSP helicopter participating in the search.

23:20: The helicopter is making a run along the railroad tracks south from Euclid Road toward Jamisonville Road.

23:25: The helicopter has followed the railroad tracks all the way to Oneida Valley Road and appears to be continuing to follow them farther south.

23:27: PSP is now crossing into Butler Township still following the tracks south, passing Henricks Road.

23:28: Brush 25 reports they are on the tracks between Thompsontown Road and the swamp. Captain 14 now reporting the subject has been located.

23:30: All West Sunbury Fire units are back in service, returning. Captain 14 notifying Control the subject was located by PSP at Euclid Road and Thompsontown. The helicopter had been returning north toward the original search area and has diverted for its home base as of this time.

23:54: Squad 10 in service, returning.

23:56: Moraine Camplands Command reporting the subject has been reunited with family and all units from this incident are back in service.

23:58: Ambulance 52-2 also reporting clear now with patient refusal.