Barn Fire Rekindle 166 Flinner Road.

09:54: Stations 24 and 13 alerted for another rekindle of the barn fire.

09:55: Station 64 added to the call.

10:00: Engine 24 and Tanker 13 en route. This incident is being walked on by the pediatric burn incident.

10:03: Tanker 24 en route.

10:05: 64-2 on location reporting heavy flames, heavy smoke.

10:06: Incoming units checking which structure is on fire; 64-2 states this is the original barn again.

10:07: Tanker 13 on location.

10:09: Engine 24 on scene.

10:12: Tanker 24-2 on scene.

10:13: Tanker 24 on scene.

10:21: EMS unit was returned in service by Command

11:30: Tanker 13 reporting all Station 13 units are clear. There have been no other updates from this scene. Tanker 24-2 also back in service, followed by “all 24 units.”