Barn Fire Rekindle, 166 Flinner Road

11:11: Dispatched. Rekindle of the barn fire at 166 Flinner Road, Muddy Creek Township, and another outbuilding is also reported on fire.

Dispatch for the barn fire rekindled.

11:14: Stations 24 and 22 second alert.

11:15: Engine 13 en route.

11:16: Stations 22 and 24 acknowledging the call. Engine 22-4 en route.

11:19: Engine 24, Tanker 24 en route.

11:22: Control informing Engine 24 no response from Lawrence County Station 1400.

11:27: Engine 24 on scene. Chief 13 and other units are already on scene; other dispatches have walked on the audio.

11:31: Engine 22 canceled by Command as they were arriving on scene.

11:40: Engine 22-4 back in service.

12:54: No noteworthy updates from the scene to this time; an unidentified unit just checked with Chief 13 about shutting down one of the lines.

13:04: Tanker 24 is back in service. The EMS unit from Station 64 was also released.

13:09: Engine 24 reporting all Station 24 units are clear, back in service.