MVA near Westwood Manor, N. Duffy Road.

10:09: Reported 1 vehicle off the roadway, unknown injuries at dispatch. Originally reported near the VA campus.

10:10: 99-21 assigned.

10:12: 99-21 en route.

10:13: VA Police are reporting they haven’t found anything yet. Their dispatcher states PSP is en route also.

10:14: Engine 38 on scene with a vehicle stuck on a pipe of some sort, near Westwood Manor. Requesting Butler Township Station 3 be added to the call.

10:15: BT-3 en route.

10:16: Control checking with Engine 38 on injuries, they’re stating negative injuries, PD will need a wrecker.

10:17: Stations 3 and 14 canceled.

10:25: Engine 38 requesting Butler Township PD, Control states they are en route.

11:14: Engine 38 reporting clear, incident terminated.