Gasoline Truck Fire: Triangle Gasoline Co

22:24: Stations 1, 3, and 99 dispatched to 105 Homewood Drive, Butler Township, for a gasoline truck on fire at the Triangle Gasoline Company. Tower 1 and Chief 3-2 are responding.

22:25: Engine 1-2 is responding. All units are advised that Control is taking multiple calls on this.

22:26: Control states they’re continuing to take calls on this, and there’s possibly a hydrant located at the intersection of Homewood and Main St Ext. C-3-2 requests EN-38 for additional assistance.

22:27: Station 38 is being alerted. All units are alerted that there are wires on the ground on fire. Another call reports the truck was loaded with grease. TR-1 is arriving, confirming reports; one truck fully-involved.

22:28: EN-1-2 is pulling up; they’re being instructed to grab the hydrant. Command wants the power company. Control is asking if it is a service line or what type; that is unknown, just a power line.

22:29: Engine 38 is responding.

22:30: C-3-2 and 99-5 are on scene. Lt-3 is asking C-3-2 if she wants the foam trailer; she’s advising him to stand by. Medic 956 reports he is on the scene, as well.

22:31: “Charge that hydrant!”

22:32: C-3-2 is requesting Station 14; they’re being alerted now.

22:33: C-3-2 is now instructing Lt-3 to proceed in with the foam trailer.

22:35: Brush 3 is responding. Station 14 acknowledges the call. Rescue 3 is responding; EN-38 is on scene.

22:36: C-3-2 has assumed Command; she’s now requesting HAZMAT Team 100 to the scene.

22:37: Team 100 is being alerted.

22:38: Engine 14-2 is responding. Commander 100 reports he is onboard RQ-3.

22:41: RQ-3 is to pull onto Homewood and stage behind EN-38 and send their manpower up to the scene. EN-14-2 is to stage at the intersection of Homewood and Evans and send their manpower up. RQ-3 is on location.

22:42: EN-14-2 is asking Command if they’re to block the road at the intersection; her reply is affirmative.

22:43: BR-3 is now en route with the (foam?) trailer.

22:44: EN-14-2 is on location.

22:46: Command is instructing BR-3 to (come up past RQ-3?).

22:48: Chief 3 and (Chief?) 100-3 are responding.

22:49: EN-14 is on the approach; they’re instructed to stage in the Auto Zone parking lot and send their manpower to the scene.

22:51: BR-3 is on scene.

22:53: Per Command, all units not on scene can cancel except the HAZMAT Team.

22:56: The fire is under control, per Command.

22:59: The power company is on the phone with Control asking what type of lines and if they’re on the truck. Command advises they’re on the truck.

23:07: Team 100 / Truck 100 is responding.

23:12: Station 14 units are clear per EN-14-2.

23:13: Team 100 is to stage behind RQ-3 at the Aldi.

23:14: Team 100 is on location.

23:38: The hydrant can be shut down.

23:58: EN-38 is back in service.

23:59: Station 1 units are clear of the scene.

00:05: 99-5 is on service, released by Command.

00:19: Incident terminated. All FD units are back in service.

00:35: Team 100 is in service.