Structure Fire: W. Rick’s Taproom & Grill

02:10: Stations 3, 38, and 99 dispatched for a structure fire at 269 Meridian Road in Butler Township, W. Rick’s Taproom. Multiple calls are reporting an AC unit on fire on top of the business.

02:11: Stations 99 and 3 acknowledge the call. 99-4 is responding.

02:12: Chief 3-2 is responding to the scene. Engine 38 is also en route.

02:13: All units are being advised Butler Township Police are on scene reporting a fully-involved fire. C-3-2 requests the second alarm activation. Captain 3-2 is en route.

02:14: Chief 3 acknowledges the call. Control is advising C-3-2 that PD are now stating it is a fire in the bar and kitchen area. Control is asking if the second alarm is still wanted and is told to go ahead and start it.

02:15: Stations 12 (full), 11 (full), 38 (extra shifts), 14 (Engine), 13 (Engine), 20 (Engine), and 1 (Tower) are being alerted.

02:16: C-3 and Ladder 3 are responding. 99-4 is on scene reporting heavy flames showing.

02:17: EN-38 is asking if they are to grab the hydrant in the parking lot or pull up and pull a line. 99-4 states they’re the only unit on scene at this time, but C-3 is ordering EN-38 to secure their own water supply from the hydrant. Lieutenant 13 and Station 11 acknowledge the call. Tanker 3, Engine 1-2, and Tower 1 are en route.

02:18: EN-38 is stating, “Butler Ambulance, get out of there, we’re going to lay a line.” Stations 12, 14, and 20 are being re-alerted due to no acknowledgment. Engine 14-2 is responding. EN-38 is on location followed by TN-3 reporting they are securing a water supply.

02:19: SQ-3 is being ordered to hit the hydrant. Someone is stating, “Ready on the lines.” Station 20 acknowledges the call.

02:20: Control is checking for acknowledgment from Station 12; there is 1 firefighter on station there. City units are approaching Rt 68 @ Eberhart. Another unit is at the intersection of Meridian and Whitestown. Control is asking EN-1-2 if all City shifts should be recalled.

02:21: Someone is asking TN-3, possibly on Fire South, if they’re ready for water and is not getting an immediate response. TN-3 is calling SQ-3 on Fire Ops 4 without response. All Station 1 shifts are being alerted. Engines 3 and 13 are responding.

02:22: SQ-3(-2?) is being instructed by Lt-3-2 to pull a line to the Charlie side door off TN-3. TR-1 is approaching, requesting orders. Lt-3-2 initially instructs them to come in off Hopewell and setup on the corner of Meridian and Hopewell and stage there for now, but then cancels that and instructs them to stage on their line of approach. In between, someone is still asking TN-3 if they’re ready for water.

02:23: TN-3 reports they’ve secured the water. City units are on scene. EN-1-2 is confirming all City shifts have been activated and is advised they have been.

02:24: C-3-2 is on location assuming Command. Rescue 11 and Engine 20 are responding. Command is instructing all incoming units to stage on their line of approach and send their manpower to the parking lot.

02:25: Engine 12 is en route. Someone (Lt-3-2?) is telling RQ-3(-2?) that they need a (hand tool?) to the Charlie side basement door.

02:26: LR-3 is on scene. Someone is stating that a yellow line is fully charged.

02:27: C-3 is approaching; EN-14-2 is on location. Utility 14 is en route.

02:29: Basement crews are reporting negative fire in the basement. They’ve located a staircase and are going up now.

02:30: EN-38 requests Station 14 be placed on standby for them and is advised 14 is already operating on the fire. They’re asking for Station 12 and is advised both 12 and 13 are also on this incident. EN-13 is on scene. Station 1 reports they are staffed.

02:32: C-3 is asking Command if he has notified the utilities already. Control is reporting the incident’s 20 minute benchmark.

02:35: C-3, now in Command of the scene, requests Control notify Penn Power.

02:37: TN-3 is advising LR-3 they are hooked into LR-3’s supply line. LR-3 states they’ll let TN-3 know when they’re ready.

02:38: RQ-11 is on location.

02:39: Command is being advised another line has been pulled off LR-3 to go through the front.

02:40: LR-3 is being instructed to charge “that line 14 has.” LR-3 is instructing TN-3 to send water.

02:43: Penn Power has been notified and will attempt a remote disconnect; they gave a 2 hour ETA for a crew. The incident is at its 30 minute benchmark.

02:44: C-3-2 is advising Command he may need to get another line from the rear of LR-3 into the section of the roof above the bar area; he thinks there may be fire in that attic, too.

02:45: Command states he has EN-12 coming to pull the 2nd line, and they’ll grab EN-20 for help.

02:49: Command is conducting PAR checks.

02:50: All units so far are reporting they have PAR.

02;51: The incident is at 40 minutes.

02:52: LR-3 and C-3 are discussing the gas meter, and it has reportedly been shut off.

02:53: More manpower is requested to the front door at the A-B corner.

02:55: All crews are being instructed to evacuate the structure; they’re going to go defensive for a little bit from the outside.

02:57: LR-3 is reporting a kink in the line is causing a pressure problem and is requesting TN-3 shut it down for a minute.

02:58: LR-3 is has the kink worked out and is ready for water again.

03:00: LR-3 is asking TN-3 about their output and is advised they’re working on it.

03:01: C-14-2 states he thinks they have the hydrant maxed out and if more water is needed, another engine will be needed upstream.

03:02: TN-3 is advising Command they’ve used all of their salt. The incident is 50 minutes in.

03:03: TN-3 is asking if both his hand lines are in use and is advised they are.

03:04: Lt-3-2 is advising the hand lines from TN-3 have been shut down. TN-3 is advising LR-3 they’re giving everything they’ve got at 50 PSI.

03:06: LR-3 is overshooting; Lt-3-2 is advised a yellow line is charged.

03:07: LR-3 is still overshooting the building. Lt-3-2 is reporting roofing falling in on the B-C side.

03:10: The incident is at its 1 hour mark.

03:14: (TR-1?) is approaching from Cupps Road.

03:30: TR-1 is being advised another crew is being sent in the front door.

03:40: Command is asking multiple units for the location of the salt truck. He’s being advised it is out back with the tanker. They’re to send him around onto Meridian Road to Command to fill buckets and see where more salt can be dropped.

03:42: The salt truck is on its way to Meridian Road now.

04:10: EN-1-2 is clear of Meridian Road; TR-1 continues to operate.

04:11: Units have access to the backroom of the bar; they’re going to bring a line in off the back porch into the bar to hit fire in the ceiling. Command states he has a line inside A, as well.

04:13: TN-3 is to shut down a line and bring in another nozzle; the current one is frozen.

04:16: The nozzle has been replaced and the line is being recharged now.

04:18: C-3-2 is asking Command if he can see if they’ve hit the fire in the center of the building.

04:19: Command is advising C-3-2 that the bulk appears to be knocked down, but the gables appear to be trapping some fire and debris.

04:20: Command states TR-1 is operating a master stream into the roof opening from the gable collapse; C-3-2 replies they’re out. TR-1 is not to come past the chimney.

04:22: C-3-2 is advising Command of 1 firefighter in the basement at this time.

04:24: Command is being advised the basement is now clear.

04:35: A line from TN-3 is shut down. Command is marking the incident under control at this time.

04:37: TR-1 is asking EN-38 to “shut it down.”

04:49: Someone is stating they may be able to access the fire on the Bravo side from the outside.

04:56: C-14-2 is asking Command if they’re good to shut down the supply line feeding EN-38; there is not an immediate reply.

05:09: TR-1 is back in service.

05:10: Lt-3-2 is requesting manpower to the back porch. Station 14 units are clear of the scene.

05:13: EN-13 is back in service.

05:16: Lt-20 states all Station 20 units are back in service.

05:17: LR-3 is being told to open their master, but is also reminded there are at least 2-4 people still inside.

05:37: C-3-2 is advising Command they’ve made it all the way through to the main dining room; they’re going to try to get some hotspots now. More line is needed through the front door.

05:40: Command is asking for a Township PD officer to his location.

05:47: Someone is asking Command to have a crew drag hose out of the front door.

05:53: LR-3’s supply line from TN-3 has been shut down.

05:56: TN-3 is being instructed to leave at least 1 line on right now while crews continue to hit hotspots on the interior.

06:00: Penn Power has asked if they can cut the wire near EN-38 and C-3 states they can.

06:04: TN-3 can shut down their line now. They’re asking if they’re good to shut down the hydrant, also, and C-3-2 states they can do that.

06:06: Someone is reporting the building is clear to Command.

06:09: EN-38 is clear, returning to station.

06:18: The [property?] owner is on their way to Command.

06:20: 99-4 is clear of the scene.

06:38: Incident terminated. All remaining units are back in service.

07:42: Stations 3, 38, and 99 dispatched for a possible rekindle. A caller on location is reporting heavy smoke coming from the building.