Fires at Moraine Camplands

20:56: Station 14 dispatched for an unknown type fire at Moraine Camplands, Staff Rd. Caller reports a large fire.

21:00: Stations 14, 13, 25, 33, and 99 are now being alerted; it is reported a travel trailer exploded. Lot G-87.

21:06: Caller from a distance reported the fire; a passerby within the camplands reported the explosion. Someone is requested to meet fire units and direct them in.

21:09: Caller is searching for a dog and can’t get to the gate; EN-14-2 states they have nothing visible and no idea where that lot is.

21:10: Incoming units are to stage at the main gate until the lot is located. Units are advised they can open the gate with their sirens on Yelp.

21:12: C-33 is stating he has a working fire and is clear in the back, attempting to find access.

21:14: Units are still being directed in, trying to find access.

21:15: EN-14-2 in scene near the water plant with working fire. C-14-2 has Command.

21:16: First due tanker is to proceed in, Command states it should only take an Engine and a Tanker.

21:20: Fire is under control; PSP Fire Marshall will need to be notified.

21:21: All uncoming units to proceed non-emergency.

21:23: (EN-33?) is at ½ tank. Once they’re empty, they’re to stop supplying; they should have enough water. Units in staging are released by Command.

21:27: (UT-14?) is advising a maintenance worker has reported a possible camper fire at another lot.

21:48: Per Control, the Fire Marshall will respond in the morning. The incident is at the 50 minute mark; Command states the timer can be stopped.

22:00: Station 33 units have been released by Command and are back in service.

22:07: EN-25 and TN-25 back in service, followed by EN-13.

22:08: EMS is released.

22:10: Command terminated.