Structure Fire: East Locust St, Butler City

01:13: Stations 1, 38, 3, and 99 dispatched to 524 E Locust St, Butler City, for a neighbor report of a house on fire with flames visible and unknown occupation.

01:14: 99-4 is assigned to the call and responding. Chief 3-3 is asking for a general alarm. Control states they’re getting reports of people jumping from the building and is asking C-3-3 to confirm. He states he does have people outside at this time.

01:15: Engine 38 is responding. C-3-3 reports a 2-story residential structure with a working fire and exposure on the Delta side. There are people on the roof currently, trying to get down, but all people are accounted for. He is also advising 99-4 they have 1 patient who jumped and has a back injury. All City shifts are now being recalled, which comprises the 2nd Alarm for Butler City structure fires.

01:16: Engine 1-2 is now asking for the 2nd Alarm, as well. Control advises they’ve notified City shifts. 99-4 is on scene. EN-38 requests their off-duty shifts be recalled, as well.

01:18: Station 38 shifts are being activated.

01:20: Ladder 3 is en route.

01:21: Control is confirming with Command that their 2nd Alarm only activates the additional shifts and is asking if they want additional companies from a 3rd Alarm. There is no immediate response. Engine 3 is responding.

01:22: Command is asking Control to repeat and is asked again if they want the 3rd Alarm. EN-38 is on location. 99-21 is requesting the nearest helicopter in the air to the BMH helipad; C-3-3 is simultaneously requesting the 3rd Alarm.

01:23: Stations 9, 10, 11 (for their Rescue), and 26 (for their Ladder) are now being added to the call. Station 26 acknowledges.

01:24: Control is advising that Stat 3 is expected in 12 minutes. LR-3 is to come in off Monroe and up E. Locust, then stage behind EN-38 and send their manpower to Command.

01:25: Chief 10 and Station 10 acknowledge the call.

01:26: Second alert for Station 9.

01:27: LR-3 is on location.

01:28: Station 10 acknowledges the call. Interior crews are being advised there is a large amount of fire coming out of the Bravo side dormers which is not getting any better.

01:29: Heavy fire is also being reported on the Charlie side 2nd and 3rd divisions. Command reports there is no access to the 3rd floor from the outside, and he doesn’t think there’s access from the inside. If they can’t get to it, they are to back out. Someone states they are going to make the call to evacuate and go defensive. All interior crews are now being alerted to exit the building.

01:30: Control is sounding the evacuation tones to alert all units. EN-3 is approaching, requesting orders.

01:31: Command instructs any fire unit not on scene to stage on their line of approach; there is no need to call for orders. Staging will be near EN-1 and TR-1. EN-3 is on scene. Ladder 26 is responding. EN-38 reports they have PAR on the rear (of the structure?) and they (are moving to?) the Charlie side. Command is requesting the gas and power companies be notified. Engine 10 is now en route, as well.

01:32: Rescue 11 and Engine 10 are en route.

01:34: 99-21 is asking if the helicopter is at the pad and is advised Stat 3 was dispatched with a 12 minute ETA, approximately 9 minutes ago. Seconds later, Control states the updated ETA is 6 minutes. Stat 3 is departing their base at UPMC Cranberry now.

01:37: EN-10 is approaching, requesting orders. 99-4 is transporting, ALS, to the helipad. EN-10 is to come off Monroe, park, and send their manpower to the front of the house. EN-10 is now on location.

01:38: LR-3 is asking EN-10 to stage by a hydrant in case they need to lay into LR-3.

01:39: Control advises there has been no acknowledgment from Station 9 and is asking if Command wants a fill for them. Command states they’re OK on resources for now. This is the incident’s 20 minute mark.

01:41: Control states both the power and gas company have been notified; the gas company did not provide an ETA and the power company is expected in 2-3 hours. Command asks if the power company said anything about a remote shutoff, and Control advises that is in progress now.

01:43: LR-26 is approaching. They are to come in off Monroe, stage by EN-10, and send their manpower to the scene. Stat 3 is arriving at the BMH helipad now.

01:44: RQ-11 is approaching from the 1st Street side. LR-26 is on scene. (Command?)-9 is en route.

01:45: EN-10 reports they are at the hydrant.

01:47: Interior crews are asking Command to send a (vent?) saw to the front door.

01:48: TR-1 is making a report to Command and states, in part, “good progress on the 3rd Division.”

01:49: TR-1 reports 1 firefighter coming down; they will need someone else on the exterior as the radio operator is going to be going inside.

01:51: Interior crews are asking Command to get someone to the front door to bring in or free up some more hose line.

01:59: Command is advising interior crews on the 3rd Division they’ve had a change in smoke on the Charlie-Delta corner and is asking if they have the wall opened up. Crews state they are trying to make it over; there are some (holes?) on the Charlie side.

02:00: Interior crews are asking Command if they have some fresh guys to send in on one of the hose lines. Division 3 crews are asking Command if there’s been any other changes in the smoke; they’re asked to standby.

02:01: Command now advises the crews that there is some (conversion?) and there is a crew going into the basement with crews already on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

02:03: EN-38 reports they are making entry on the 1st Division.

02:04: 99-4 states patient care has been transferred to Stat MedEvac and the aircraft will be outbound to UPMC Presbyterian shortly. Division 3 crews are reporting (they got the hotspots they can see?) and possibly are requesting a relief crew.

02:14: Command is attempting to reach crews on Division 3; their response is delayed and Command does not initally copy them. Control is advising Command his crews are responding on Operations 7. Command is advising the crews that there is fire in the eaves on the Charlie-Delta corner that are being hit from the exterior.

02:16: Crews are now reporting they are conducting overhaul, but possibly reporting extension(?). They state it looks like the Charlie-Delta corner is (getting something from Division 1?).

02:19: The incident is at its 1 hour mark.

02:22: 99-4 is clear of the LZ. Control is asking if they’re en route back to the scene and is asked to standby.

02:23: 99-3 is now reported on scene at the fire.

02:35: Interior crews are advising Command that (Division 2?) looks “pretty good” and are asking if they are to come back out. Command states if everything looks good, to go ahead and come out.

02:42: Crews on the 1st Division are asking those on the 3rd Division (if they’re good to start the fan?) and the response is that they’re good to do so.

02:51: Chief 1 is being asked to call into Control.

03:04: LR-26 reports all Station 26 units are clear from the scene.

03:04: EN-1-2 is being told to shut down one of their lines.

03:05: EN-1-2 has the line shut down.

03:10: EN-10 is in service, returning to station.

03:16: RQ-11 and Station 9 units are in service, returning.

03:19: EN-38 is in service.

03:25: C-3-2 reports all Station 3 units are clear of the scene and in service.

03:45: TR-1 reports they are clear of East Locust Street and the incident is terminated.