Juvenile Flown to Presby: Karns City HS

20:47: 56-2 is on standby at the Karns City High School for a football game requesting a medic assist from Station 44 and a helicopter on standby. Control is asking the chief complaint for the air service; 56-2 states a 17 year old male with head injury is unresponsive.

20:48: Station 44 is being alerted. There is broken contact from 56-2; Control asks them to repeat but does not get a response.

20:49: 44-1 is en route.

20:50: The helicopter is now requested in the air by 56-2 to the baseball fields. Squad 26 will be the ground contact. Someone states he is working on getting a key to the fields.

20:51: Someone (Chief 26?) says he has a key, and they’re on their way there.

20:54: 56-2 is asking to confirm they have a helicopter in the air; Control states that’s affirmative, Stat MedEvac 16 had an ETA of 12 minutes a couple minutes ago.

20:55: Squad 26-2 is on scene at the ballfields for the landing zone.

20:59: 56-2 is advising 44-1 they are en route to the LZ now; 44-1 states the helicopter will probably beat them there.

21:00: Cap-29 is advising 56-2 the gate is open and is directing them to the field in the back; the LZ is established. 56-2 is advising Control they’re en route to the LZ. Stat 16 is now airborne from their base at ACMH Kittanning.

21:01: 56-2 is asking if there is any word on the helicopter’s ETA.

21:02: Control is advising only that the ETA was 12 minutes as of about 8 minutes ago. 56-2 is out at the LZ.

21:04: The pilot is contacting the ground crew for her LZ briefing reporting about 2 minutes out.

21:06: The ground crew and the aircraft have visual contact and SQ-26 reports they are to his south, almost at the LZ. The pilot is going to do an orbit and land.

21:10: Stat 16 is being marked on the ground at the LZ.

21:55: With no word from the incident until now, Control is reaching out to 56-2, SQ-26, or RQ-29 with no immediate responses.

21:56: Someone is now answering up; Control states he is just checking their status. The response is that Stat hasn’t taken off yet.

21:59: Stat 16 is now being reported airborne to Presby.

22:00: SQ-26-2 and RQ-29 are back in service.

22:05: 44-1 is back in service.

22:18: The helicopter is on the helipad at UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh.