MVA, w/ injury, Isle Road @ Unionville Road

16:06: Stations 13 and 99 alerted. No other details at dispatch.

Prospect Station 13 and Butler Ambulance Station 99 alerted for an MVA with no additional details.

16:07: Butler Ambulance 99-3 en route.

16:10: Captain 13 on location reporting 1 vehicle on the road, 1 in a field, possible entrapment. Now checking how many EMS units are en route, reporting 3 patients, 2 with “moderate” injuries.

Prospect Captain 13 arriving on scene and giving an initial report.

16:11: Engine 13 en route, checking on entrapment. Captain 13 reports 2 patients still in one vehicle, they may need doors popped. 99-21 and 99-2 will also respond, and a unit from Portersville Station 64 is requested. Chief 13 requests Station 14 be activated as well.

16:12: Station 64 alerted.

16:13: Station 14 alerted, 99-2 en route.

16:14: Captain 13 states the lines will need reached out to the vehicle in the field; it is the one that needs doors popped.

16:16: Engine 13 on scene. 64-2 en route.

16:18: 99-3 is the first ambulance on scene.

16:19: Chief 13 reporting extrication complete.

16:22: Rescue 14 responding.

16:24: Rescue 14 on scene.

16:28: Utility 14 en route. Butler Ambulance 99-21 requesting the nearest air evac. LZ is not yet determined.

Butler Ambulance 99-21 requesting the nearest air evac.

16:29: Unionville Road Command states they’ll land the helicopter at the scene. Second patient marked extricated.

16:30: Portersville 64-2 is on location.

16:31: 99-21 requesting a second helicopter if available.

Butler Ambulance 99-21 requesting a second helicopter to the scene.

16:34: Stat 8 reports they will be en route with a 13 minute ETA; Control was checking with LifeFlight for a second helicopter, they are available if needed.

16:35: Chief 13 instructing Control to put the second helicopter in the air.

16:43: LifeFlight 4 is airborne from Butler Airport.

16:44: Stat was spotted airborne from Grove City Airport, they appear to have departed in the last 2 minutes.

16:46: Landing Zone crew is reporting to the incoming Stat helicopter the LZ will be a residential yard on the Northeast corner of this intersection.

16:50: Stat appears to be on the ground, LifeFlight 4 is arriving over the scene, taking the LZ brief.

LifeFlight 4 receiving the Landing Zone brief from LZ 13.

16:53: LifeFlight 4 is on the ground at the LZ.

17:00: Stat is airborne from the LZ, destination Presby

17:05: LifeFlight is airborne, destination AGH.

17:10: Unionville Road Command terminated, all units back in service.

17:15: Stat MedEvac is arriving at the helipad, UPMC Presbyterian, Pittsburgh.

17:22: LifeFlight 4 is arriving at the helipad, Allegheny General Hospital.