ATV Crash: North Butler Church Road

14:36: Stations 35 and 44 dispatched to 112 North Butler Church Road in Oakland Township for an ATV crash with 2 patients. The caller was not sure how far off the road the patients are located.

14:37: Chief 35 is en route to the scene. Station 44 acknowledges; a helicopter is requested on standby.

14:38: Station 35 acknowledges the call with 1 firefighter on station. C-35 is instructing his station to bring their UTV. 44-2 is en route.

14:39: 44-1 is also responding.

14:43: C-35 is at the dispatched address; he reports the sound of someone yelling for help is coming from between Center Drive and this address.

14:44: 44 units are approaching; C-35 advises he is 100 yards in N. Butler Church Rd with no patient located yet.

14:45: Both 44 units are on scene.

14:47: Rescue, Brush, and UTV-35 are responding.

14:51: 44-1 is asking for 2 helicopters in the air to approximately the dispatched address.

14:52: Units are advised they will need the Stokes basket.

14:53: Control reports the responding aircraft will be LifeFlight 4 with a 7 minute ETA to the LZ and Stat MedEvac 16 with a 12 minute ETA. LF-4 is now departing their base at the Butler Airport.

14:55: Control states the aircraft were given 120 N. Butler Church Rd for the LZ.

14:58: LF-4 is contacting the LZ; they just passed northeast of the Butler Hospital.

14:59: The ground crew is reporting they see LF-4 now. The pilot is still searching at this time.

15:00: The pilot has the LZ; they will orbit to land. There is no indication of Stat departing their base at this time.

15:01: The ground crew is advising LF-4 they are the first of two helicopters coming; they state they were not aware.

15:02: Stat 16 has departed their base at ACMH Kittanning.

15:04: Stat 16 is over Worthington.

15:06: Stat 16 is now contacting the LZ. They’ve just crossed the Armstrong-Butler County line into Clearfield Township.

15:07: Stat 16 is reporting 3 minutes out, requesting the LZ briefing.

15:09: The ground crew and the aircraft have visual on each other; the pilot is orbiting to land.

15:15: 44-1 is transporting to the landing zone.

15:16: 44-1 is out at the LZ.

15:20: LF-4 is airborne to Pittsburgh.

15:30: 44-2 is reporting Stat 16 is airborne to UPMC Presbyterian; LF-4 is bound for Children’s Hospital. Both 44 units are clear of the scene.