Motorcycle MVA: Eau Claire Rd @ Black Rd

13:08: Stations 31, 34, and Superior EMS dispatched to Eau Claire Rd @ Black Rd for a motorcycle MVA; 1 female with a head injury.

13:11: Superior 106 responding. Control is asking address of possible LZ; it will be the Deer Hunter’s Campground but they do not have an address available.

13:12: Superior 110 is on location (possibly a different incident?).

13:13: TN-31 on scene. Cmdr-31 has Command. The closest helicopter is now requested in the air by Superior 110. Per Control, the responding aircraft will be Stat 8 with a 10 minute ETA. Station 34 is instructed to setup the LZ. EN-34 reports they are at Deer Hunter’s, SQ-34 is en route to the scene as well.

13:14: SQ-34 to stop Creek Bottom Rd for traffic control. RQ-31 to stop at the turn before Black Rd for traffic. Ambulance reportedly needs assistance.

13:16: EN-34 is out at the LZ.

13:17: Superior 106 is arriving. SQ-34 is setup for traffic control at Creek Bottom. RQ-31 is also on location.

13:19: EN-31 is approaching; they’re to pull into the scene and provide their manpower.

13:20: The LZ is reported to be established now. The helicopter does not appear to be airborne at this time.

13:22: Traffic control on the Black Road side is reporting 6 cars stacked.

13:23: Stat 8 is contacting the ground crew for their briefing. They are now showing airborne from the Grove City Airport.

13:24: Stat 8 reports 2 minutes out, they will do an orbit to land and they request the ground crew advise of visual contact.

13:25: The ground crew reports they have visual contact.

13:27: Stat 8 is marked on the ground.

13:47: Traffic controllers are being instructed to begin breaking down soon.

13:49: TN-31 is back in service. EN-31 will remain on scene a few more minutes.

13:57: EN-31 is clear of the scene. The only remaining units are at the landing zone.

14:00: Superior 106 reports Stat 8 is airborne to St Elizabeth in Youngstown.

14:06: Station 34 units are clear of the LZ.