MVA w/ Entrapment: Wm Flynn Hwy

15:41: Stations 14 and 99 dispatched to the area of 2259 William Flynn Highway for a 2-vehicle MVA with possible entrapment.

15:42: Chief 14 and 99-4 are responding.

15:45: Lieutenant 14 is on scene reporting 1 patient confirmed entrapped.

15:47: C-14 is asking Lt-14 to advise ASAP if air evac may be needed; the Station apparently has some boating activity going on. Rescue 14 is responding. They are to pull into the northbound lane; the vehicle is off on the NB side of the road. They will be removing the roof.

15:48: Lt-14 is advising the road will need closed. Chief 14 is requesting his station be re-alerted for more manpower to assist with road closure.

15:49: 99-2 is responding as the second ambulance.

15:50: EN-14 is being instructed to stage(?) until the ambulance arrives.

15:51: 99-4 is attempting to contact Command with no immediate response.

15:52: Utility 14 is en route and is instructed to close Route 8 fully at Sunset Drive. 99-4 is requesting orders again. They’re instructed to pull in behind RQ-14; the patient is conscious, alert, and oriented at this time, still in the vehicle.

15:53: UT-14 is clarifying if Rt 8 or Sunset is to be closed and is advised Rt 8. 99-4 is on scene.

15:57: 99-2 approaching; they’re to pull in behind the other ambulance and are advised they’ll have a couple(?) patients for evaluation.

15:58: 99-2 advises Command they are passing Station 14 now.

15:59: 99-2 is on location.

16:02: Patient extrication is complete.

16:11: SQ-14 is asking C-14 if a loaded school bus can get down Swamp Run Road.

16:12: C-14 is advising SQ-14 the bus can go down to Sunset but the road is closed off at the moment.

16:15: SQ-14 is now advised they can send the school bus and some other traffic through partially. Command is instructing them to hold tractor-trailers and trucks for now.

16:22: 99-4 is transporting ALS to Allegheny General Hospital.

16:30: Control is checking the status of 99-2 and is advised they cleared about 10 minutes ago (nothing on recordings).

16:51: Command is instructing traffic control units to open the roadway. Command is terminated; Station 14 units are back in service.