Car vs Pole: Franklin Rd @ Garvin Rd

10:24: Stations 21 and 51 dispatched for an MVA with injuries at the intersection of Franklin and Garvin Roads in Cranberry Township. There is a vehicle into a pole with wires down. 51-2 is responding.

10:25: Rescue 21 is responding.

10:26: Chief 21-2 is en route.

10:29: Control states PD are on scene advising this will be just south of Garvin at the S-bend.

10:30: C-21-2 is on scene with a van and a pole sheared off; the van is up on the guardrail, with all occupants out.

10:31: RQ-21 and 51-2 are on location.

10:32: C-21-2 states only communication wires are involved but they’re still attempting to determine which company.

10:33: Command is now advising it is CenturyLink and is asking Control to notify them. There are also cable lines.

10:35: Control states Armstrong has been notified and will be en route; they are notifying the phone company now.

10:38: 51-2 is possibly breaking away from this incident to handle an Echo response.

10:41: Fire Police are advising Command they have a power company crew there offering assistance, but Command is stating these are only communications lines unless they’re able to replace the pole. The power company is canceling.

10:50: Command states that Franklin Road will remain closed between Garvin and North Boundary. FP remain on scene until the township can place road closure signs. Control states 1-2 hours for the phone company; the cable company indicated they would be right out.

11:07: All FP and Station 21 units are clear.