Structure Fire: Three Degree Road

05:21: Stations 11, 3 and 99 dispatched to 382 Three Degree Road, Penn Twp. Caller reports the front porch of their log cabin is on fire. 99-5 is assigned and en route.

05:23: Stations 11 and 3-2 acknowledge the call. Chief 11 is responding.

05:24: Chief 3 is responding.

05:26: Captain 3 is en route. Control is now informing C-11 that the homeowner called back reporting the house is now fully involved.

05:27: Rescue 3 is responding. Stations 15 and 16 and Tankers 10 and 12 are added for the second alarm.

05:29: 99-5 is on scene.

05:30: 99-5 is checking which units are en route; Control states only R-3 on the road so far. 99-5 is advising R-3 they will be going up a long driveway. Engine 11 is now responding.

05:31: Control is checking for acknowledgement from Stations 16, 10, and 12. Chief 10 acknowledges. Second alert for Stations 16 and 12. 99-5 is now reporting a two story residential structure with heavy fire, fully involved.

05:32: Rescue 3-2 is en route. Station 10 acknowledges the call with 2 firefighters on station. E-11 is on location. Station 15 acknowledges. Chief 3-2 is on location. All occupants are reported out of the residence.

05:33: E-11 is advising R-3 they will be taking the driveway; R-3 is to lay a line back the driveway.

05:34: Squad 11 is responding. Station 12 acknowledges the call.

05:36: Engine 15-2 is en route.

05:38: R-3-2 is approaching from Beacon Road, requesting orders.

05:39: E-15-2(?) is asking whether they are to approach from Airport Road or Renfrew Road; they are advised Airport Road is okay, this is halfway down the hill. E-15-2 states they are just coming out of Saxonburg now.

05:40: Station 16 is asking if they were requested for a full assist or tanker only and they are advised the CAD called for a full assist. Tanker 12 is responding.

05:41: Chief 15-2 is asking Control to place Station 27 on standby on Station 27 to cover for Saxonburg; Engine 15 is also responding.

05:42: Station 27 is alerted. R-3 is advising E-11 they are at a ¼ tank of water.

05:43: Utility 16 is en route.

06:09: Additional tankers are requested by Command. Control is advising Command that West Penn Power states the remote disconnect should be complete in 5-10 minutes and a crew will be responding in 1-2 hours.

06:10: Station 8 added for their tanker.

06:11: Control states Richland (Allegheny Station 241) was also dispatched for their tanker.

06:14: Second alert for Station 8 due to no acknowledgment.

06:15: Tanker 16 is out of water.

06:16: Sky4 for WTAE is arriving over the scene.

06:17: Tankers are to come in from the Airport Road side. Station 8 acknowledges the call.

06:23: E-11 is reporting they are out of water. Tanker 8 is en route. Interior crews are reporting they are coming out of the building.

06:24: Tanker 3 is en route.

06:31: E-11 is asking C-15-2 the status of the water; he states the first tanker is dumping to the porta-tank now and then they’ll have water.

06:39: Interior crews state they need hooks. E-11 is to charge another line.

06:40: Allegheny 241-Tanker is approaching from Airport Road requesting orders. T-3 is on location.

06:42: T-8 and S-3-2 are on scene.

06:45: Interior crews are being advised they’re down to a ¼ tank of water. Command is advised heavy fire is visible in the basement through a window on one side.

06:56: C-15-2 is advising Command that power has been shut off.

06:58: Someone is asking the water supply at the bottom of the hill to check a nearby gas meter to see if it is shut off.

07:00: All tankers are now being instructed to NOT come in via Airport Road. C-15-2 is asking Control to notify the Penn Township Road Department they will need a salt truck in the area.

07:01: Cap-15 is advising Command the gas should be shut off. Sky4 has landed at the Butler Airport.

07:07: Fire Police have media at their location, asking to approach the scene, but Command is instructing FP to hold media where they are for now.

07:21: Basement crews are discussing setting up fans for positive pressure.

07:54: 99-5 is clear of the scene but 99-4 remains at this time.

08:18: Interior crews are advising Command they will need additional crews to assist with the overhaul.

08:23: T-12 and T-8 are released by Command.

08:31: Water supply is asking Command if the gas company is needed for anything as the gas meter is shut off.

08:39: T-8 is reporting back in service.

08:48: E-11 is asking E-15-2 if they are full and they are. Chief 15-2 is being advised the supply line can be broken down. E-15-2 is going to continue feeding E-11 until the supply line is shut down; they can keep working with just their 2 tanks of water.

08:58: T-12 is back in service.

09:03: The water supply has been broken down.

09:32: Chief 15 is advising Command that his units are wrapped up and ready to go unless they’re needed for anything else; they are released by Command.

09:34: E-11 is being advised the Fire Marshal is approaching the scene.

09:36: E-15-2 is reporting Station 15 is clear of the scene. Command is now terminated; all remaining units are back in service.