MVA: Rt 8 @ Kiester Rd

18:12: Stations 33 and 52 dispatched to the area of 3545 William Flynn Highway for a vehicle over an embankment into a tree.

18:13: Station 52 acknowledges. Tower 33 is responding. Control is now advising this is in the area of the intersection of Route 8 and Kiester Rd.

18:14: Engine 33-2 en route. 52-2 en route.

18:15: Chief 33 is asking if there is entrapment; Control states that is unknown, there was no answer from the subscriber(?).

18:18: Control states that PSP is advising the driver is unresponsive.

18:19: E-33-2 is requesting that Control add Station 14 to the call for their Rescue.

18:20: T-33 and E-33-2 are on scene. C-33 reports 1 vehicle off the road with entrapment.

18:21: C-33 is now requesting Station 34 and Squad 85. Chief 14-3 is en route to his station.

18:22: Command is asking for PSP to be advised the highway will be closed fully. Station 34 is alerted for the call.

18:23: Station 34 acknowledges. Command is now requesting another ALS ambulance. Station 99 is toned out for the call.

18:24: Station 99 advises 99-2 is en route.

18:25: Engine and Squad 34 are responding. Command is asking E-34 to shut down the road at Franklin.

18:27: Rescue 14 is responding.

18:29: Lieutenant 33 is instructed by C-33 to block the road off but it is not clear at which location.

18:30: C-33 is advising that if Squad 85 is en route, they can disregard. R-14 is asked to assist with lighting.

18:31: Engine 34 is on location at the intersection of Rt 8 and Franklin Rd, closing the roadway. Station 33 is advising Command they have 2 people at the station; they are to roll the Brush truck with as many traffic cones as they can grab. C-33 is asking to Control get ahold of the County and have them respond out with light towers(?).

18:32: PennDOT is to be notified the road will be closed for an extended period.

18:34: Utility 14 called en route but was advised they can standby at this time.

18:35: Brush 33 is en route.

18:37: C-33 asking Control to get crews from PennDOT to close Route 8 at Franklin and Route 8 at Kiester. R-14 is on location.

18:41: B-33 is approaching.

18:45: 99-2 is now released by Command to divert to another call in the area. Station 14 states they have 3 personnel on station; C-33 is instructing them to standby at this time.

18:58: 52-2 is transporting a patient, ALS, to Grove City hospital.

19:07: Command is advised Route 8 is now closed at Branchton Road.

19:19: C-33 is asking if there was any update on the lighting he requested from the County earlier. Control states they will be en route shortly.

19:35: R-14 is clear of the scene.

19:38: C-33 is advising C-34 that PennDOT is supposed to be coming to C-34’s location with road closed signs; C-33 asks C-34 to advise when PennDOT arrives.

20:31: C-33 is asking C-34 if PennDOT has arrived; he states they have only seen tow trucks and no PennDOT.

20:32: 52-2 is asking Command if they can pass through with an ALS medical transport to BMH.

20:33: 52-2 is on Branchton Road near Pry’s; C-33 states he can get them through.

20:58: C-33 is advising C-34 that PSP is coming to take over traffic control soon.

21:25: C-33 is checking on C-34’s status; he states no sign of PSP yet. Another unit states PSP is with them at Branchton and the trooper is closing Route 8 at Branchton. Station 34 units are released by Command

21:26: C-33 states all fire department units are clear of the incident; State Troopers have taken over the road closure.

21:37: C-34 is now reporting his units clear of the traffic control.