MVA, vehicle fire, possible entrapment, Evans City Road near Brownsdale

21:44: Stations 20, 19, and 62 dispatched for an MVA, with injury, on Evans City Road near Brownsdale Road. There is a vehicle reportedly overturned, on fire, with possible entrapment. 62-3, Engine 19 en route.

21:45: Chief 20-2 is en route. Captain 22 states their station is staffed, Chief 20-2 says for them to send a truck. Chief 19-2 is responding.

21:46: Rescue 22 en route. Units responding are now advised there is a victim on the line reporting a foot amputation, possibly as many as 7 injuries.

21:47: Rescue 42 is inquiring if they should respond as well; Chief 20-2 is saying yes.

21:48: Stations 76 and 99 are toned out. R-42 is en route.

21:49: Squad 98 is added by request of 62-2. 99-5 possibly responding (broken audio). Chief 20-2 is on scene, there was broken audio but “embankment, on fire” was heard. Engine 19 is passing Skander Tire; 76-1, Rescue 20, and Squad 98 are en route.

21:50: “First arriving unit to Route 68 from Chief 20-2, I have 2 patients over a hillside next to the vehicle on fire that are gonna need extricated; my radio is dead and I will be out assisting.” 62-3 is approaching. E-19 is on scene, stretching a line.

21:51: A medical helicopter is requested on standby. R-20 is approaching the scene.

21:52: R-20 and 62-3 are on scene.

21:53: 76-3 is responding medic-only.

21:54: A Lieutenant is requesting a tourniquet from Engine 19. 62-2 is checking the status of the helicopter request and is advised Stat 3 is checking weather for the standby. 62-2 states from the sounds of things, they’re going to need them, so if they’re clear to put them in the air to the scene and they’ll coordinate with fire units for an LZ.

21:55: Chief 20-2 is checking which ambulances are inbound and is advised Harmony has a second unit en route (62-2); Quality (76-1), Butler Ambulance (99-5), Squad 98, and a medic from Quality (76-3) are all still en route as well.

21:56: Control is advising Stat 3 will be en route, with an ETA of 8 minutes to the scene.

21:57: Chief 20-2 is requesting Station 12 setup the LZ at the Forward Township Municipal Building on Route 68.

21:58: Chief 12 is responding.

21:59: Lieutenant 12 is en route.

22:01: 62-2 is canceling the Butler Ambulance unit stating they should be good with the other resources.

22:02: Stat 3 is airborne from UPMC Cranberry.

22:03: 76-1 and 76-3 are on scene. Engine 12 is en route.

22:04: Squad 98 is on scene.

22:05: Stat is over the LZ but the LZ is still being prepared.

22:07: E-12 is approaching.

22:09: 62-6 is on scene. Stat is advised the LZ is ready.

22:12: Chief 12 is reporting Stat 3 on the ground. The LZ crew is checking with Command if the flight crew should be brought to the scene.

22:13: Chief 20-2 states per 62, EMS will meet the helicopter crew at the LZ.

22:14: 76-3 is requesting a second helicopter if available.

22:16: Control is advising Stat 16 will be en route with a 15 minute ETA.

22:20: Chief 42-2 contacting Command stating he has 76 with him, asking how to get past the scene to the LZ.

22:21: 76-3 transporting to the LZ. 62-2 transporting to AGH.

22:23: 62-3 with medic 51 on board transporting to the LZ. 76-3 arriving at the LZ.

22:25: Stat is airborne from Kittanning.

22:34: Stat 16 reporting 2 minutes out and requesting LZ brief.

22:35: Stat 3 departing to Pittsburgh.

22:39: Stat 16 reported on the LZ. 76-1 is transporting to AGH.

22:42: Chief 12 stating he has 2 fire police units inquiring if they are needed, Command states negative, they’re just cleaning up now to reopen the road.

22:48: Stat 3 arrived UPMC Presbyterian.

22:51: Squad 98 reporting to 62-3 there is another patient at the scene that will need transported when 62-3 clears the LZ.

22:53: Stat 16 departing.

22:54: 62-2 is at AGH.

22:55: Chief 12 contacting Command stating LZ ops are complete, inquiring if they need assistance, Command states negative, Station 12 units are back in service.

23:03: Duty Chief 42 reporting 42 units are in the process of clearing the scene. 62-6 is transporting another patient to UPMC Cranberry.

23:04: 62-6 is now changing their destination to AGH.

23:05: Stat 16 arrived UPMC Children’s Pittsburgh.

23:06: Rescue 22 put back in service by Command.

23:09: 62-3 is clear of the scene.

23:11: 76-1 is at AGH.

23:12: Squad 98 is clear of the scene.

23:28: 76-3 is clear of the scene.

23:30: 62-6 is at AGH.

23:54: Command requests PennDOT be notified and respond to address approximately 40 feet of guardrail they had to remove on 68 headed toward Evans City before Old Route 68. Control asks if it needs immediate attention, Command states immediate attention, temporary barriers are needed.

23:56: 76-1 is back in service.

00:00: Control states PennDOT has been notified.

00:25: All Station 19 units back in service.

00:28: Command terminated, all units back in service.