Fight, Stabbing, Eau Claire Street Café

21:23: Stations 1 and 99 alerted to standby in the area of the Eau Claire Street Café, 416 Eau Claire Street, Butler City, for a fight in progress with 1 male stabbed. PD is en route as of dispatch. 99-2 is responding.

21:24: Engines 1 and 1-2 are en route. Control states PD are NOT on scene yet.

21:25: Control is advising this is reportedly an abdominal wound. 99-21 is asking for a patient count; Control states only 1 at this time.

21:26: Control is advising PD is requesting EMS into the scene. 99-2 is on scene.

21:27: Engine 1-2 is on scene.

21:30: Engine 1-2 is asking for the closest available helicopter to the BMH helipad.

21:32: LifeFlight 4 gave a 10 minute ETA to the helipad.

21:34: Engine 1-2 is advising that a STAT MedEvac helicopter is on the helipad and they are changing the landing zone for LifeFlight 4 to the parking lot next to the helipad.

21:37: 44-2 is asking if they are able to enter the hospital lot via Brady Street; Engine 1-2 states the Tower entrance is blocked but they can use the other entrance.

21:38: Engine 1-2 has the Tower Entrance blocked.

21:40: LifeFlight 4 is departing the Butler Airport.

21:45: The pilot states he is over the hospital looking for the LZ. He is now advising this is not a sufficient landing zone for current conditions.

21:46: LF-4 is requesting the LZ be moved to Greater Butler Mart.

21:47: 99-2 is confirming with LF-4 that they are unable to land at BMH; the pilot confirms the LZ is too tight for current weather conditions.

21:48: 99-2 is asking City units if they have an LZ setup yet; they state they are currently discussing the situation.

21:49: City units now advising LF-4 that STAT is leaving the helipad shortly and he can land there.

21:53: LF-4 continues to circle; there has been no sign of STAT MedEvac taking off yet. Control states PD are requesting an additional EMS unit for evaluation of another patient from this fight at their station and is asking if Station 99 has another unit; 99-21 states they do not at this time but 99-7 will be clearing their incident soon.

21:55: 99-7 is now available from another call and is reporting en route; Control is advising them to proceed non-emergency per PD.

21:57: The STAT helicopter is clear of the helipad and LF-4 is advised they can land.

22:00: LF-4 is on the BMH helipad.

22:10: 99-2 is reporting LF-4 is airborne to AGH. 99-7 is reporting clear of the City PD station with a patient refusal.

22:13: City units are back in service.

22:29: LF-4 appears to have made an approach to AGH but has diverted.

22:34: The helicopter has made another approach into AGH, this time from the west instead of from the southeast, but they did not land this time, either, and are outbound to the south.

22:36: The helicopter is passing west to east in front of AGH again. It appears they are now diverting to another hospital.

LifeFlight 4 appears to be having difficulty landing at Allegheny General Hospital and has diverted to another hospital.
LifeFlight 4 appears to be having difficulty landing at Allegheny General Hospital and has diverted to another hospital.

22:45: LF-4 now appears to have landed at Forbes Regional Hospital.