Vehicle into Business, Evans City Rd

06:43: Stations 20, 22 and 62 dispatched to Larry Alignment Shop, 1669 Evans City Road for a caller reporting 1 vehicle into the business, unknown injuries.

06:44: Station 22 acknowledges the call.

06:45: Chief 22 and 62-4 are responding.

06:46: Control is advising Chief 22 there is a male still in the vehicle, unable to get out, and the vehicle is leaking fuel. C-22 is asking if the vehicle is confirmed into the building and if the building is unstable; Control states the vehicle is “inside” of the building. C-22 requests Stations 42 and 50 be added to the call. Station 20 acknowledges the call.

06:47: Station 42 and 50 are activated for the call.

06:48: Station 15 acknowledges the call; Rescue 15 is responding from the rollover MVA on Brewer Road. Station 50 acknowledges the call.

06:49: Chiefs 20 and 11 are responding to the scene.

06:50: Engine 22-3 and Rescues 42 and 20 are en route.

06:51: Chief 20 is on location confirming 1 vehicle into the building and advising NEGATIVE ENTRAPMENT, one male is out of the vehicle with no injuries.

06:55: 62-4 is approaching.

06:56: Engine 22-3 is approaching; they are instructed to pull in and stage behind Rescue 20. 62-4 is on scene. Team 50 is advising they are responding non-emergency with an extended ETA due to the report of no entrapment.

07:00: Squad 22 is en route. Chief 20 is clear of the scene and leaves Lieutenant 20-3 with Command.

07:01: Rescue 42 is approaching.

07:02: Rescue 42 is on scene.

07:03: Squad 20 is en route non-emergency.

07:04: Squad 20 is on scene.

07:09: Squad 22 is on scene.

07:12: Chief 15 is en route. Rescue 15 is approaching.

07:13: R-15 is on scene.

07:27: Rescue 11 is on scene.

07:35: Command is now asking Control to dispatch HAZMAT Team 100 for 200-300 gallons of waste oil on the ground and running downhill. Team 100 is activated.

07:50: Squad 100 is responding.

08:10: 62-4 is reporting they are clear of the scene but 62-2 will remain on scene at this time.

08:12: Squad 100 is on scene.

08:34: Station 22 units are now clear of the scene.

08:36: Rescue 42 is clear of the scene.

08:37: Rescue 15 is in service and returning to station.

08:38: Team 50 units are back in service.

09:08: Command is now terminated.

09:09: Squad 100 is now advising they are also clear of the scene.