MVA with Entrapment, Possible DOA

15:52: Stations 30, 26, and 56, with Medic 956 dispatched for an MVA on Oneida Valley Rd in the area of Rider Rd. Two vehicles head-on with 1 female entrapped with blood spurting from the leg.

15:54: All units are advised that the caller is now reporting a possible DOA.

15:55: C-26 possibly requesting TR-1 who just cleared a prior call.

1557 56-2 responding EMS-only. Station 25 still tied up on brush fire.

16:00: 56-2 is checking if air evac has been placed on standby; Control states they will get to that momentarily. Not yet requested.

16:02: RQ-30 on scene confirming 2vehicles head on with the road shut down.

16:03: TR-1 is responding.

16:04: Medic 956 is on location. LifeFlight is standing by. They’re requested by RQ-30 to the scene at Rider Rd.

16:05: Second helicopter is requested on standby. Second ambulance requested to the scene.

16:06: Station 32 crews will close Rt 38 at Hooker; other end of closure will be at Rider Rd.

16:07: Second ambulance requested to the scene ALS. Two medics on scene (third en route). Control not sure which station to send next. Station 44 is being dispatched.

16:08: 44-2 is responding.

16:09: Second helicopter requested “on the ground at Rider Rd.” Station 44 can cancel.

16:10: Control is advising Command they’ll have LF-3 inbound, 26 minutes, and Stat 3, 16 minutes. Unclear if in the air or standing by.

16:11: Control is checking if they have enough ambulances; Command confirms they have 2 ALS units on scene and 44 is canceled.

16:12: Command is checking if Station 35 is available for the landing zone.

16:13: Station 35 is being dispatched.

16:15: Stat 3 is airborne from their base at UPMC Cranberry.

16:17: TR-1 and Station 32 units are on scene.

16:19: Command requests the LZ (for the 2nd aircraft?) be moved to the Rodeo Grounds.

16:21: 56-2 is transporting to the LZ. EN-1-2 is on scene. LF-3 is airborne from Indiana Regional Medical Center.

16:25: BR-32 is out at the Rodeo Grounds (unclear who else is there currently). The ground crew has visual on Stat 3.

16:26: Command reports a 2nd patient has been extricated.

16:28: Stat 3 has LZ-30 in sight and will be down. 56-2 is out at one of the LZs.

16:29: Stat 3 is being directed north; they’re over the scene but they’re now being advised they’re expected at the Rodeo Grounds.

16:31: Stat 3 is circling the area of Hooker, instead of going north. LF-3 is passing NE of Kittanning.

16:32: Stat 3 can’t raise the ground crew. 56-1 is transporting to the Rodeo Grounds.

16:33: PennDOT has been notified to assist with road closure.

16:34: Stat 3 has the ground crew in sight at the Rodeo Grounds, now.

16:36: Stat 3 appears to be on the ground at the RG.

16:42: 56-1 is out at the LZ.

16:43: LF-3 appears to be on the ground in North Washington; the ground crew is advising LF-3 that Stat 3 is lifting off now.

16:46: 56-2 is clear of the LZ.

16:51: 56-2 is advised that PSP needs whichever unit transported the female to return to the scene for additional information.

16:52: Someone is asking Command if anyone can direct traffic at the (north end of the incident?). There are 2 civilians there, currently. Command is requesting an ETA on PennDOT from Control.

16:55: Station 32 units are back in service.

16:57: 56-1 is clear of the LZ.

16:58: LF-3 is airborne to Pittsburgh.

16:59: Sky4 for WTAE is over the scene.

17:00: RQ-35 is moving from the LZ to the incident for traffic control.

17:03: Stat 3 is on the helipad at UPMC Presbyterian.

17:07: Sky4 is headed south from the scene.

17:17: Sky4 is at the Butler Airport.

17:19: LF-3 is on the helipad at Allegheny General Hospital.

17:36: RQ-35 has been released and is back in service.

19:26: Incident terminated.