07:58: Stations 9, 10, 26, and 44, along with Armstrong Station 250, dispatched for a structure fire, reported with entrapment, 2608 E Old Rt 422, Clearfield Twp. Caller believes there’s still a 2 year old male inside.
08:01: Lt-9 acknowledges the call; Control advises that the caller believes the child is in the living room of the mobile home and should be accessible via the back door. Flames are visible. Chief 9 also acknowledges the call and is en route to the scene. Station 10 acknowledges. 44-1 is en route.
08:03: 44-1 is BLS-only, requesting a medic assist. 99-21 copied direct and is responding. EN-26 is en route. Engine 26-2 is responding.
08:04: C-9 requests Station 1 for a Truck. Engine 9 is responding, and Station 1 is being alerted. Control is advising C-9 that Chief 10 called in by phone stating that it is a working fire with entrapment.
08:05: Engine 10 and Tower 1 are en route.
08:06: 250-Engine is responding.
08:08: C-9 is requesting the 2nd alarm with smoke visible from his location.
08:09: C-9 is on location. 99-21 is requesting air medical be placed on standby. Control advises that Stat 16 is already standing by, good for weather, with an ETA of 10 minutes if needed.
08:10: The second alarm is being toned out; Stations 35, 27, 15, 28, and 14 activated.
08:11: EN-9 is to pull up in; they’re going to pull a cross-lay and go in the front door. 44-1 is reporting multiple patients with smoke inhalation. Another ambulance is requested to the scene. EN-9 is on location.
08:12: EN-26 is to pull up and nose into EN-9.
08:13: TN-10 is on the approach. EN-26-2 is on scene.
08:14: 99-21 is on location.
08:15: TN-10 is on scene. Engine 15-2 is en route.
08:16: TR-1 is on scene; they’re to stage on the hard road and send their manpower up. 250-EN is also arriving.
08:17: Tankers 27 and 28 are en route. 99-3 is on the EMS channel due to heavy radio traffic, requesting 2 aircraft on standby per 99-21.
08:18: Engine 14-2 is responding.
08:22: 99-3 is on scene; he states 99-21 wants both aircraft in the air. Control is asking what LZ to use.
08:23: Tanker 35 is en route. 99-3 is reporting 1 aircraft will need to go to West Penn (the nearest burn center).
08:24: 99-3 is clarifying that they’re going to be transporting 1 by ground to West Penn Hospital, and they’re looking to pick up a flight crew on the way.
08:26: Control advises LF-4 crew available at the Butler Airport for rendezvous. 99-3 will rendezvous with them at the airport; they’re leaving the scene now. Medic 956 is on scene.
08:27: Stat 16 is airborne from their base at ACMH Kittanning.
08:30: Command is trying to move the LZ and wants both helicopters there. Control states 99-3 said they were going by ground, so there’s only 1 helicopter inbound.
08:32: Control is advising that Stat 16 was about 3 minutes out from BMH and will be redirecting.
08:33: Stat 16 has turned. EN-15-2 is to stage and send their manpower; they’re on scene.
08:34: TN-27 is on scene. Units requesting orders are to stay on Old Rt 422 at this time.
08:35: EN-14-2 and EN-35 are on scene. The EMS unit is advised the LZ will be Game Reserve Rd @ Old Rt 422. Station 288 requested to move to Station 15.
08:36: 99-21 is asking what is their LZ for 99-8. Control states Game Reserve @ Old Rt 422. Tankers 35 and 35-2 are on scene.
08:37: Stat 16 appears to be on the ground at the LZ. Station 36 is requested to stand by.
08:39: TN-28 is on scene.
08:44: 99-8 is out at the LZ.
08:45: 99-3 is out at the Butler Airport with LF-4.
08:47: Per C-15-2, Station 288 can cancel; Station 15 units are returning in service.
08:48: Per TN-27, Station 27 is returning in service and Station 36 can also cancel their standby.
08:52: 99-8 reports Stat 16 is airborne to Pittsburgh.
08:57: 99-3 reports that patient care has been transferred to LF-4, and they will be airborne to the West Penn Hospital burn center shortly.
09:02: Command requests the power company to the scene for a disconnect.
09:03: LF-4 is airborne to Pittsburgh.
09:05: Stat 16 is on the helipad at UPMC Mercy Hospital.
09:13: Per Control, the power company has been notified with no ETA.
09:15: LF-4 is on the helipad at West Penn Hospital.
09:16: All Station 35 units are returning to their station to stand by for Station 9.
09:57: TR-1 is clear and in service.
10:04: Armstrong Station 250 is back in service.
10:06: Medic 956 is back in service.