08:26: Stations 42, 19, 16, 11, and 76 dispatched for a school bus vs vehicle at 1619 Three Degree Road in Adams Twp. The bus is into a tree; the driver is not alert and bleeding. 76-4 is responding. Portable 11 acknowledges and is en route to station.
08:27: Squad 98 is near Rt 228 @ Franklin Rd and states he is also responding. Station 19 acknowledges. Rescue 42 is responding.
08:29: Control now advises all units that there’s an updated report of 30-40 students on the bus with multiple children injured. Chief 42 and Engine 19 are en route. Chief 21 advises C-42 that his station is staffed if they need assistance.
08:30: C-21 is responding.
08:31: 76-2 and 76-4 are arriving. RQ-42 is also on scene reporting one bus head-on into a tree. C-42 is asking Control to make sure police have the road shut down.
08:32: RQ-42 is advising C-42 that the driver of the bus is entrapped. Rescue 21 is responding. C-19-2 is on location and will have Command until the arrival of C-42.
08:33: Engine 11 is responding. Command is starting a Mass Casualty Incident. He reports crews are working on extricating to the driver, attempting to gain access now. Station 51 is being dispatched for an ALS unit to the scene; 51-3 is en route.
08:35: Station 62 is being added to the incident. Command is moving to an operations channel and states he needs a dedicated dispatcher.
08:36: Command requests a rundown of EMS units currently responding; Control advises 76-2 and 76-4 are on scene. 51-3 and 76-1, SQ-98 are en route and 62 has acknowledged. 260 and 130 from Allegheny are being notified. Command reports SQ-98 is on scene; he also wants Chief 51 and another response medic – either 955 or 956.
08:37: EN-19 is on location. Medic 956 copied the request and is responding.
08:38: Command is asking Control to make sure there’s at least 1 more bus coming. 62-5 is responding.
08:39: Rescue 16 is en route.
08:40: Command reports Quality (a 76 unit) is preparing 1 patient for transport, and there will “probably be 3 more.” A heavy wrecker is needed to the scene for stabilization.
08:41: RQ-21 is to stage on Taylor Ridge in a position so EMS units can turn around. C-21 is asking Command if he’ll need their tools or just their manpower.
08:42: Command is advising C-21 that the driver is currently heavily entrapped and up against a tree. They may need to move the bus backward up to get access; he’ll take their tools and anything they have corded with a portable power unit.
08:43: If Stat 3 is at their base, a Cranberry Twp PD officer will bring them and their blood to the scene. EN-11 is to stage so EMS can get out and send their manpower up with tools.
08:44: Control is advising the heavy wrecker provided a 15-20 minute ETA; Command is now marking the driver extricated and the wrecker can be canceled.
08:45: Control advises that C-51 is responding with a slight delay and is asking if Command wants the Command Post. Command states he has his vehicle, so negative on the Command Post. RQ-21 is on scene. FP reports the road is shut down at Rt 228.
08:46: Command reports the bus company is on scene as well.
08:47: RQ-16 is instructed to stage on Taylor Ridge and send their manpower to Command with medical equipment if they have it.
08:48: 51-3 is on location.
08:49: Additional FP units are being directed to Three Degree Rd @ Valencia Rd. C-21 is advising Command he has “5 green” in the back of RQ-42. RQ-16 is arriving.
08:50: Control advises that Stat 3 is on the phone, asking if they’re needed to the scene. Command states he is checking with EMS now. Control states they are good to fly. C-21 is now reporting “no other yellows or reds.”
08:51: EMS is good on blood; Command states Stat 3 can disregard. Control is relaying to Command that 261 is approaching, requesting orders. Command reports they are on scene now; he has them and 51-3 staged.
08:52: Command reports one minor has been transported to UPMC Children’s by “the first 76 unit,” and 76-2 has the driver now. They’ll be transporting to (AGH?).
08:53: (?) is instructed to stack in front of 261 and back in on their arrival.
08:54: 51-1 is advising Command that they are clearing from their prior incident, offering assistance. Command requests they stage at Station 42 at this time. C-51 is on location per Command. 62-3 is on the approach.
08:55: 62-3 is instructed to stage and ensure 76-2 can get out. They’re now on location.
08:56: Control is advising Command that the UPMC Cranberry and McCandless ERs can both take 10 patients each, and UPMC Children’s ER can take as many as needed.
08:57: Command reports that it looks like they’ll currently have 2 more transports; parents are collecting their children via the school district’s authorization. They had at one point “six green.” One EMS unit is staged.
08:58: FP report Adams Twp is putting up their road closed sign now.
09:04: Command is asking Control to check with AHN Wexford to see how many patients they can take.
09:06: The school guidance counselor is on scene at the checkpoint requesting access; she can come down to Taylor Ridge.
09:07: AHN Wexford can handle 10 patients in their ER, if needed.
09:09: 62-3 is transporting 1 patient to Children’s Hospital. Command is releasing standby EMS units.
09:51: Fire Police have a crew from WPXI at their location requesting to come to the scene.
10:05: Fire Police are remaining on scene at this time; all other units are clear at this time.