Search for Missing Teen: Jefferson Twp

23:08: Station 15 requested to assist PSP with a search detail on Nursery Lane in Jefferson Township.

23:20: Command 15 is en route.

23:21: Rescue 15 is responding.

23:27: Chief 15-2 is on location, establishing Command.

23:29: RQ-15 is on scene.

23:32: Command is requesting Station 45 for a rehab unit.

23:42: Lower Kiski [S&R?] will be in contact with Command.

23:47: 45-2 and Command 45 are en route.

00:03: Rehab trailer is on location.

00:36: Command is requesting Station 27 for their UTV and manpower; they’re being dispatched.

00:48: Crews are reporting they located 2 ponds.

00:59: Command is now requesting Water Rescue Team 300.

01:00: Team 300 is being dispatched.

01:04: Second alert for Team 300 due to no acknowledgment.

01:14: Station 10 is being dispatched to cover an AFA that was originally dispatched to Stations 15 and 27. Command requests Armstrong Station 116.

01:36: Command 14 is on scene with Boat 14.

01:39: Engine 10, who was on the road for the earlier AFA but canceled, is now responding to the S&R detail for lighting.

01:49: EN-10 is on scene.

02:02: Station 36 is being placed on standby for Station 27.

06:30: A PSP helicopter has arrived over the scene.

07:36: The PSP helicopter is leaving the area.

09:26: Command states the subject has been located; all search teams are being recalled to the Command Post.

09:27: Nursery Lane is cleared to be reopened.

09:36: The subject’s identity has been confirmed; units are cleared to begin returning in service.

09:42: All Station 10 units are clear.

09:58: BR-9 is clear.

10:01: All Station 27 units are back in service; Station 36 is released from standby.

10:18: Per C-15-2, all units are now clear of this incident.