Two Children Struck on Bikes: Cole Road

18:51: Stations 36, 27, and 70 (EMS) dispatched for a pedestrian accident, 213 Cole Road, Buffalo Township. CPR instructions are being given.

18:52: 70-1 is responding and asking Control to start PULSER that way. Rescue Captain 27 acknowledges the call.

18:54: Control is advising 70-1 that there are 2 patients and is asking for instructions. PULSER is to continue; they’re asking the status of the 2nd patient. Control states they were both on bicycles, and they’re both children. 70-1 is requesting an additional ALS unit and states 70-3 is coming, as well. Control states the PD have a helicopter requested to stand by, as well. Control is asking if 70 has another unit; 70-1 states they’re having Armstrong hit them, but to hit mutual aid, as well. 45-2 is advising that they only have 1 truck tonight but to trip their tones to see if they can get another crew, just in case.

18:55: Station 45 is being alerted. PULSER and RQ-27 are responding. Control is advising them that PD have a helicopter on standby and there are 2 bicyclists struck.

18:56: Station 36 acknowledges the call. 270-3 is advising that they have 2 medics onboard and are en route.

18:58: 70-1 is being advised that he, 70-3, and 270-3 with 2 paramedics are en route. 70-1 states that is sufficient. Control also states Stat MedEvac 16 is on standby with a 10 minute ETA.

18:59: RQ-27 is on location.

19:00: Rescue Captain 27 has Command of the scene. Rescue 36 is en route.

19:03: RQ-36 is approaching, requesting orders; they’re just to pull up to the scene.

19:04: RQ-36 is reporting on scene and is now instructed to send their crew to the rear of the black pickup truck beside the police cruiser.

19:07: Control is asking Command if the helicopter will be needed, as there is one close by, circling. Command is asking him to standby one. Stat 16 is approximately 5 NM northwest of the scene at this time; they were northeast, outbound from UPMC Presbyterian toward their base at the Clarion County Airport (KAXQ). They’re turning to the northwest at this time (away from the scene).

19:08: Command is now advising Control to have the aircraft stand down. The aircraft is returning to a course toward their base.

19:11: Command states that per EMS, the closest aircraft is requested to stand by again. Stat 16 is now northeast of Fenelton in Clearfield Township, approximately 10 NM north of the scene.

19:13: Control states Stat 6 is circling in the area, on standby. Command is to advise if they’re needed ASAP, since they’re airborne.

19:16: Station 15 Fire Police are now being requested by Command to shutdown Cole Road at Parker Road.

19:17: Station 15 has been alerted.

19:20: Station 15 acknowledges the call.

19:21: Command is now advising that they’re going to land the helicopter at 213 Cole Rd, in the back yard. RQ-Cap-27 will be the ground contact.

19:23: Control is advising RQ-Cap-27 that the aircraft is right over them, so it should only be a minute or two. Stat 6 is just east of the county line in North Buffalo Township, Armstrong County, currently, and will be the responding aircraft.

19:24: Stat 6 has redirected toward the scene.

19:26: The pilot is reporting about 2 minutes out and is requesting his ground briefing.

19:27: RQ-Cap-27 has visual on the aircraft; the pilot states he’s still looking.

19:28: SQ-15-2 is responding.

19:29: Stat 16 appears to be on the ground at the LZ.

19:49: 270-3 is advising they will be out of service for awhile and is asking Butler Control to notify Westmoreland County of that, as well. They report the patient will be transported to UPMC Children’s Hospital.

19:53: Stat 16 is airborne toward Pittsburgh.

20:02: Stat 16 is on the helipad at Children’s Hospital.

21:31: All Freeport EMS units are clear. It has been now been reported by WPXI that the patient flown to Children’s has succumbed to his injuries.

21:51: All units from Station 27 are clear.

22:54: Cole Road Command terminated; Stations 36 and 15 are back in service.