House Fire: Conno School Road

16:03: Stations 12, 3, 20, and 99 dispatched for a structure fire, 106 Connoquenessing School Road, Connoquenessing Borough. Multiple calls are reporting the back of the house is on fire. Station 3 acknowledges the call.

16:04: Chiefs 12-2 and 12 are responding.

16:05: Ladder 3 is en route.

16:07: Control advises all units they are getting reports of small explosions in the residence. Engine 20 is en route. C-12 is on scene with working fire on the rear of the residence.

16:09: Tankers 3 and 20 are responding. Chief 3 is on location.

16:11: Engine 12 is en route.

16:12: EN-12 is to proceed past the structure, there is a hydrant in front of the house. They are to stretch a 1¾” line to the rear side.

16:13: EN-20 on scene.

16:15: TN-3 and LR-3 are to stage in the parking lot of the elementary school; they are both reporting on scene. TN-20 is also on scene, staging.

16:18: EN-3 is on location.

16:20: RQ-3 is on scene.

16:28: Command is requesting Control have the power company respond. Control is asking to confirm the address is 106 and Command states he’s attempting to confirm that now.

16:29: Units on scene are advised “we’re losing the floor on the 1st Division, you’ll need to get out.” Someone is asking to confirm that’s “evacuate the 1st floor” and that is correct.

16:30: Command is confirming the address is 106.

16:36: Control is advising the power company will do a remote disconnect in 20-30 minutes and will have a crew there in 1-2 hours.

16:39: Command is requesting Stations 13 and 22 for manpower.

16:40: Stations 13 and 22 are being alerted. Station 22 acknowledges the call. Gas utilities have been secured.

16:42: Squad 22 is responding with 5.

16:44: Station 13 acknowledges the call.

16:48: Engine 13 is responding. Basement crews are asking for a couple more guys on the 1¾” line.

16:50: Basement crews are now requesting positive pressure be established to the basement.

16:52: Crews are requesting another 100′ of 1¾” line and an adapter to go from 2½” to 1¾”.

16:53: The incident is at its 40 minute mark. SQ-22 is on location.

16:54: Command is now requesting Station 11 for their cascade.

16:55: Station 11 is being alerted.

16:56: Chief 11 is responding. Station 22 crews are going to be entering the basement.

16:59: EN-13 is on location.

17:02: Rescue 11 is en route. C-20-2 is asking (C-22?) if they’ve made it to the A-B corner in the basement.

17:03: Crews are stating they are on the C-D corner of the basement. C-20-2 is requesting a floor report for the A-B corner of the structure. There is some stagnant fire in that bedroom; they need to try to get inside and do some overhaul to get to it.

17:04: C-12-2 reports he has a fresh team available. Once they get a floor report from the basement, they are going to try to get someone into that bedroom for overhaul.

17:05: Basement crews report the floor on the A-B corner look good.

17:08: Command is marking the fire under control. He is advised RQ-11 is still en route.

17:09: Control is marking the incident at 1 hour; Command states the timer can be stopped.

17:17: RQ-11 is advised there are about 30 bottles to refill. They are to park in the school parking lot.

17:18: SQ-22 is out of the basement. RQ-11 is on location.

17:29 EN-12 advises LR-3 they have water.

18:19: EMS unit is being released by Command. EN-20 is back in service.

18:28: Station 3 units are clear and in service.

18:38: Incident terminated.