Boat Capsized: Moraine SP, Watts Bay

12:32: Stations 24, 300, and 64 dispatched to Moraine State Park at Watts Bay, 342 North Shore Drive, Worth Township for a report of a boat capsized in the water.

12:33: Station 64 acknowledges the call. Control is advising it sounds like there are 2 patients, and 1 person has been rescued so far. Station 20 is requested for boats by C-300-2. 62-3 reports they will be monitoring the call from the northern end of Lancaster Township.

12:34: Station 20 is being alerted. Station 24 acknowledges the call. Chief 24-3 is en route to the scene.

12:36: All units are now advised both people have been rescued out of the water by another boat and are believed to be en route to Watts Bay. C-300-2 acknowledges the update, but states he will continue the units until there is confirmation.

12:37: C-24-3 is asking Control to hold all units; he will be there in a few minutes to confirm the reports. Station 14 acknowledges the standby. Control is asking to clarify if Water Rescue is to standby and EMS is to continue. C-24-3 is advising to have everyone standby; he’ll be there in a couple minutes.

12:38: Stations 64 and 24 acknowledge the standby. Control is advising Station 64 it sounds like both people have been in the water a long time, and they may be dealing with hypothermia.

12:39: C-24-3 is asking Station 64 if they are ALS or BLS; they are BLS only. C-24-3 is now requesting an ALS unit start to Watts Bay. Station 64 is asking if they are to continue in at this time, and they are. Station 52 is being alerted for the call.

12:40: 52-1 is en route and is advising 64 they are needed to continue. 64-1 is now en route also.

12:42: Control is asking 64-1 if they have a full crew or are QRS-only. They are BLS. Control is confirming 2 patients. C-24-3 is on scene.

12:44: C-24-3 is asking to confirm it was Watts Bay; he states there are no boats there at this time.

12:45: Control states they have a caller on the line, in the makeshift rescue boat, and it sounds like 1 patient may be critical. Another patient was taken to shore already and is in a vehicle now, currently somewhere on North Shore Drive headed to Watts Bay.

12:46: C-24-3 believes he sees the boat coming in now. 62-3 is clearing their previous call in northern Lancaster, offering assistance, ALS. C-24-3 states Slippery Rock is en route but if they want to start this way to do so.

12:47: C-24-3 states the boat that was coming in was the Rangers, and they haven’t found anyone in the water.

12:48: Control states both victims will be arriving at the western parking lot of Watts Bay, possibly the overflow parking lot.

12:49: C-24-3 has 1 victim sitting in a car; the other is reportedly with the Rangers now, being brought in.

12:50: 64-1 is to pull into the 2nd entrance and advises they are 3-4 minutes out. 52-1 reports they are about 8 out.

12:51: C-24-3 states the most critical patient is not on shore yet.

12:52: 64-1 is on location. C-24-3 confirms there are no patients in the water; 1 patient is on shore and the other will be on shore soon.

12:56: 52-1 is approaching; they’re being directed into the 2nd entrance as well, then toward the lake.

12:57: 52-1 is on scene.

13:02: C-24-3 now advises both patients are in ambulances. All other units are now released.

13:21: 52-1 is transporting ALS to Butler Hospital.

13:23: Control is asking 64-1 their status, and they are reporting en route to BMH, BLS.

13:29: C-24-3 is clear from the scene.