Motorcycle Crash: Euclid Rd @ Davis Rd

22:14: Stations 25, 14, and 99 dispatched for a vehicle vs motorcycle near the intersection of Euclid and Davis Roads in Clay Twp. The rider is down, unconscious, but is breathing and is bleeding from the head.

22:15: Chief 25 acknowledges for his station and is requesting air medical on standby. 99-5 is assigned and en route, also requesting air medical.

22:16: Rescue 25 is en route. Control is asking if the municipal building will work as the LZ and RQ-25 advises that will work for now. Control advises callers are stating it will be right in front of the township park.

22:17: Chief 14 is en route to his station. C-25-2 is asking if the Engine should be next and is instructed to take the Engine to the township park. 99-21 is checking on the number of reported injuries and is advised as far as Control knows, just the rider, but there is no confirmation of injuries in the passenger vehicle.

22:19: Control is advising Stat 8 is on standby with an ETA of 12 minutes.

22:20: RQ-25 is on scene.

22:21: 99-5 and RQ-14 are on location. Lt-25(-2?) is now requesting the helicopter is in the air to the municipal building. Engine 25 will be the ground contact.

22:22: EN-25 is responding.

22:25: EN-25 is asking if there is a field at the township building or if they are to use the park. RQ-25 is advising the parking lot of the park.

22:26: Chief 14-2 is reporting the landing zone is setup. Engine 14-2 just turned onto Euclid Road and advises Command they have 3 advanced(?) medical providers if EMS needs them. Command states EMS seems to be fine at the moment; EN-14-2 is instructed to shut the road down and divert traffic.

22:27: 99-21 is asking if 99-5 if 1 ambulance will suffice and is advised it will.

22:28: 99-5 is en route to the LZ.

22:29: 99-5 is out at the LZ.

22:31: Stat 8 is airborne from the Grove City Airport.

22:36: The pilot reports about 2 minutes out and is requesting the LZ briefing.

22:40: Stat 8 is on the ground at the park.

23:03: 99-5 reports patient care has been transferred to Stat MedEvac, who will be en route to Presby shortly.

23:09: Stat 8 is now airborne.

23:13: 99-5 is clear of the LZ.

23:23: Units on scene are discussing the repositioning of the apparatus.

23:25: Stat 8 is arriving on the helipad at UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh.