Vehicle Rollover w/ Entrapment: E. Portersville Rd

13:49: Stations 24 and 64 dispatched for a rollover MVA with 1 vehicle on its side and children still inside crying. 675 E. Portersville Rd. Muddy Creek Twp.

13:53: Stations 20, 24, 64, and 99 are now being alerted. C-24-3 is en route to the scene; Control advises he’s the only acknowledgment so far. C-24-3 is confirming no acknowledgment from his station and is requesting Station 13.

13:54: Station 13 is being alerted. C-13 acknowledges the call.

13:55: 99-5 is responding. Station 24 acknowledges the call.

13:56: Portable 64 is on scene confirming 1 vehicle on its side with 1 for extrication. C-24-3 is arriving on location now, as well.

13:57: Rescue 24 is responding with a crew of 5.

13:58: C-24-3 is advising responding units a windshield will need removed for extrication. Brush 24 is en route.

13:59: Engine 13 is responding. C-24-3 is advising 2 patients; 1 adult female still in the vehicle and a juvenile who was extricated by bystanders.

14:00: 99-5 advises they are still several minutes out. Brush 13 is responding.

14:01: BR-13 is being instructed to setup traffic control on the far side of Yellow Creek Road. EN-13 is to position near the vehicle for the windshield removal; they are reporting on scene.

14:03: RQ-24 and BR-24 are on location.

14:05: 99-5 is 1 minute out; they are to pull in behind EN-13.

14:06: 99-5 is on scene.

14:16: Station 24 is asking Command if he wants another apparatus to assist with traffic; they’re advised negative, there are enough resources on scene.

14:37: 99-5 is transporting the adult female, ALS, to AGH.

14:57: Command is terminated; all units are back in service from the scene. The juvenile was transported from the scene by 99-2 to BMH, reportedly uninjured.