Building Fire: Center Ave @ S. Cliff St, Butler City

03:24. Stations 1, 3 (for their Ladder), 38 (for RIT), and 99 dispatched for a possible structure fire, S. McKean Street at Center Avenue, Butler City. Passerby reports smoke coming from the eaves of the brick building on the corner. Station 3 acknowledges the call with 1 firefighter on station.

03:25: Captain 3 acknowledges the call and is en route to Station 3-2.

03:26: Engines 1 and 1-2 are en route. They are now advised this is possibly the brick building on the corner of Cliff Street and Center Avenue. Chief 3-2 is en route to the scene.

03:27: Engine 38 is responding. All units are advised that police are on scene with smoke showing. The location is confirmed as the corner of Cliff Street and Center Avenue.

03:28: EN-1-2 is on location with smoke showing; Captain 1-2 has Command.

03:29: EN-1-2 is being instructed to come around to the Cliff Street side. Command is requesting Station 15 be added to the call; Control is asking for which apparatus and Command states they need a Ladder. He is also requesting Ladder 26. Note that the tones for the additional stations were on top of the end of Command’s request.

03:30: Stations 15 and 26 are now being alerted. 99-4 is approaching, requesting orders; they are to take position on Center Avenue on the bridge. Command is now requesting the second alarm response.

03:31: EN-1 is being asked if they have their own hydrant and is responding, “Yes.” 99-4 is reporting on scene. All City shifts are now being recalled and Station 3 is being alerted for a full assist (this constitutes the 2nd alarm for Butler City structure fires).

03:32: Second alert for Chief 1. Engine 3 and Ladder 3 are responding, and Chiefs 15-2 and 26-2 are en route to their stations.

03:33: Station 15 acknowledges the call. EN-38 is on location. LR-3 is asking Command which way to come in but is not getting an immediate response.

03:34: Command is being advised that PD have requested the railroad be notified to shut down the tracks (which are directly adjacent to the scene), and Control is on the line with them now, and the second alarm has been toned out.

03:35: LR-3 is coming across the Main Street bridge requesting orders. Station 26 acknowledges the call, and Rescue 3 is responding with a crew of two. LR-3 is going to be positioned on Center Ave, just before the bridge behind EN-38.

03:36: LR-3 is reporting on scene.

03:37: LR-26 is en route.

03:38: RQ-3 is approaching; they are to come to the intersection of McKean and Center and park there. EN-3 is also approaching; they’re to come in Cliff St from the north side and position at Cunningham and Cliff. RQ-3 is reporting on scene.

03:39: EN-3 is on location.

03:40: Control is advising that the railroad has been notified and will hold traffic in the area. Command is also requesting the bus company be notified; they’re going to be there awhile.

03:42: LR-15 is responding.

03:44: LR-26 is being instructed to position on Center Ave on the bridge; they’re advised they should have a hydrant on the corner of Center and McKean. EN-38 is requesting their Station be recalled.

03:45: Someone is stating they are going to charge the hand line.

03:46: Command is instructing LR-15 to come in Center Ave and position at Center and Cliff. SQ-3-2 is on scene.

03:47: Cap(?)-38 is advising Command of possible fire in the basement directly below other crews.

03:50: Cap-38 is now telling Command to evacuate the 1st floor; the fire is burnt through from the basement.

03:51: With no direct acknowledgment from Command, Control is reiterating the recommendation to evacuate the 1st floor.

03:52: Control is attempting to reach Command again due to no direct acknowledgment of the recommendation to evacuate. LR-26 is attempting to confirm their orders, also with no direct response.

03:53: C-1 is on location. Command is instructing all units to NOT make entry. LR-26 is once again attempting to confirm their orders; they are now instructed to position where they can on the bridge and (begin?) extinguishment from the ladder.

03:54: Control is reporting the incident’s 30 minute benchmark. LR-15 is on scene.

03:55: (C-26?) is instructing LR-26 to take the hydrant at their intersection and lay onto the bridge. PennDOT is to be notified Center Ave is shut down at the bridge.

03:58: C-26-2 is being instructed to charge the hydrant for LR-26.

03:59: C-26-2 is advising C-26 he needs a 4″ hydrant adapter.

04:03: Command is advising Cap-38 they pulled the 1st floor crew out; Cap-38 is not to go too far in but verify if he can find anyone still inside(?). LR-26 is now advised the water is coming.

04:04: There was an unreadable transmission possibly about water in the basement.

04:05: Cap-15 is telling Cap-1 it’s “negative on that plug” (unclear which hydrant this is in reference to; they likely spoke in person).

04:06: LR-26 is advising Command that they’re setup.

04:07: Someone inside is stating it is burnt completely through the 1st floor. Command states if they’re not making headway, to back out.

04:08: Command is requesting an Engine out of Station 10. Station 10 is being alerted. Cap-38 is asking Command if they’re getting any water on the 1st floor and is advised the crews are out of the 1st floor.

04:11: Chief 10 acknowledges the call.

04:13: LR-3 is asking Command if they can confirm the railroad tracks are shut down and is advised that according to Butler, yes.

04:15: Command is asking LR-26 if they can use their nozzle to punch through some windows. LR-26 states the windows in question may be below what they can get to; they are also asking Command if he is aware of the building adjacent to the fire to the west which still has lights. Command states it is separate and is evacuated.

04:19: Command is advising Control he will need the power and gas companies.

04:20: Control is asking for the updated address of the structure and which power company is needed. Command states it is Allegheny Power and he needs an ETA as crews need access in the area.

04:22: Engine 10 is en route.

04:24: Command is advised of the incident’s 40 minute benchmark; Control also states they’re still working on the utilities. West Penn Power is asking if they need the area shut down or a specific address; Command states it will end up being an area shutdown for the 100-block of Center Ave.

04:26: Command is asking Control if there’s been anything from Station 10 and also to verify if Canadian National has rail traffic shut down. He’s advised CN was contacted twice and do have the tracks closed, and EN-10 is en route.

04:27: EN-10 is being instructed to come in from Center and take a hydrant, then lay into LR-15.

04:28: Someone is asking C-1 to confirm the power is still energized; someone else is advising LR-3 their line is shut down(?). EN-10 is being directed to their closest plug.

04:29: EN-10 is first being advised their closest hydrant is at Monroe Street, but is then being directed to Walker at Fairview.

04:32: Control advises they are still on the phone with West Penn Power trying to get the block shutoff, People’s Gas was notified, and Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad was notified for the other set of tracks that needs closed. Command is asking LR-26 if they were able to open anything up. They report a window on the A-D corner on the 3rd Division has vented.

04:36: Control is now advising the power company shows no service to the building on fire; the exposure to the west, 113 Center Ave, will have remote shutoff in the next 10 minutes. To get the entire block, they need a crew, which has been dispatched with a standard 1-2 hour ETA. Command states it will primarily be the Center Ave (street?) that needs shut down.

04:38: Command is advising all units they have an exit through the roof. He is asking LR-15 if they have water yet; they state in about 2 minutes. LR-26 is asking if they are to go ahead and hit it. Command is advised there is fire toward the exposure on the Charlie side; someone is saying to go ahead and charge the hydrant.

04:39: Command is asking LR-3 if they’re able to go up and shoot straight down; they state affirmative, they’re working on it.

12:31: Cliff St Command is advising Control to notify Canadian National they can re-open the tracks, unless they need to check the signals.

12:59: An over-sized load is apparently attempting to cross the Wayne St bridge. City PD is requested to respond there. Unknown if it has reopened to traffic at this time as the markers on Google Maps are still there and there’s been no word on the scanner.

13:44: LR-3 is reporting to Command something burning (or smoking?) “pretty good” in the Center of the structure; they are to hold off hitting it until Command speaks to the heavy equipment operator.

13:50: LR-3 is now instructed to hit the aforementioned spot.

14:42: LR-3 is being instructed to hit another hotspot on the structure’s corner.

14:59: LR-3 is being instructed to hit any other spots they can see, then they can break down.

15:13: LR-3 is being told to go ahead and break down now.

15:28: City PD is being requested to the scene, non-emergency.

15:39: Cap-3 reports all Township units are clear of the scene.

15:51: Command is terminated. All units are back in service and all roadways are reopened.